Chapter 435: Golden Elixir Cave Mansion_2

He Song quickly collected the Divine Thunder Array that he had set up before entering the State Mansion of Green Moon State.

He then hurried towards the location he had prepared earlier to construct his Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

Under the extreme speed of the low-level spirit artifact flying boat.

He Song soon returned to the vicinity of Blue Moon Immortal City.

And quickly found the place he had decided earlier to build his Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

This place.

It is a stone mountain.

A huge stone mountain.

On the stone mountain, there is a soil cover, with many towering trees standing among them, which is basically no different from the surrounding various mountains.

If it weren't for He Song's divine sense sweeping over it, I'm afraid no one would know that this mountain is a real stone mountain, and only has a thick layer of soil wrapped around it.

Upon arriving here.