Chapter 493: Seeing a Bad Situation_2

He would never be in the situation of getting lost.

Cultivators have excellent memory, and He Song had a grasping understanding of the map of the Golden Snake Sect.

Thus, the location of the Golden Snake Sect naturally became one of He Song's potential retreat routes.

He Song had even thought in his mind of the best place to establish a secret cave dwelling within the territory of the Golden Snake Sect.

And the Purple Cloud Sect.

He Song had also been there before.

That time, it was when He Song took An Ning to the Wind Snow Palace, and he stayed in the territory of the Purple Cloud Sect for a while.

The Wind Snow Palace is a Golden Core Sect within the range of the Purple Cloud Sect's power, where Master Xing Yan once belonged.

The time He Song spent there was not long, and he only had a general understanding of the Purple Cloud Sect.

Compared to the Golden Snake Sect, He Song's understanding of the Purple Cloud Sect was naturally more limited.