Chapter 494: Escape Successfully

"Ah, I originally thought the Sun Faction had some backup plan, but as it turns out, they have nothing to show for it after a day."

"It seems I was right in my initial assessment - Cloud State simply cannot be held."

With a stoic expression on his face, He Song read Master Luo Jing's words in the letter, but in his heart, he had already begun to consider his next move.

Just a month ago, He Song had already contemplated this possibility.

If the Sun Faction was defeated and forced to retreat, he would immediately leave Green Moon Immortal State and go to Purple Cloud Sect and Golden Snake Sect to find a hidden cave dwelling.

In this way, He Song could temporarily avoid disaster and have several backup plans in place.

If a similar situation were to occur again, he would be better prepared to handle it.


Based on what was said in Master Luo Jing's letter, He Song naturally had already made up his mind.

The Green Moon Immortal State was no longer a viable option.