Chapter 591 Dangerous Treasure Land_2

That time.

There was another person traveling with the two of them.

This person's cultivation level was similar to True Monarch White Crane, both at the Late Foundation Establishment Stage.

The three of them discovered this treasure site together, and each had their gains around the periphery of the site.

However, when they encountered danger within the treasure site, that Foundation Establishment cultivator couldn't even send out a cry for help.

A Late Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, without any chance to react, vanished right before their eyes in the blink of an eye.

This scene immediately frightened both White Crane and Flying Crane, who were scavenging for treasures on the outskirts of the site, causing them to retreat.

Later, after some time spent psychologically preparing themselves,

Flying Crane Master called another highly-skilled friend, and the three ventured into the treasure site again.

That time.