Chapter 592: Evil Wind Scraping Bones_1

Such an identity, to capture some demonic beasts, isn't it a very normal thing?

And among the demonic beasts secretly captured by Master White Crane, a large portion of them were thrown into that barrier over the past few years.

When one after another Qi Refining stage demonic beast.

Or subjugated Foundation Establishment stage demonic beasts were thrown into it.

The situation within that barrier was naturally once again observed by Master White Crane and Flying Crane Master.

In these years.

The two relied on the demonic beasts captured by Master White Crane to continuously test the effects of the barrier here, and worked incessantly to weaken it.

With the passage of time, the two also discovered some findings.

After several years.

They termed the situation where any living creature entering it would instantly be riddled with wounds as the "evil wind."

Under the blow of the evil wind, living creatures would turn to dust in the blink of an eye.