Chapter 592: Scraping Bone Evil Wind_2

Time passed, and now,

this was the situation He Song came to know.

Previously, the three of them had set out, but upon return, only two remained.

The Foundation Establishment True Person, invited by Flying Crane Master, had probably died within the malicious winds of that barrier long ago.

Even his relics were likely pocketed by the two Foundation Establishment Masters, White Crane and Flying Crane.

Sensing with his divine consciousness the conversation between the two in the inn,

He Song's mind was also continuously categorizing and organizing their dialogue.

It was only after they parted ways once more, each seeking out their own targets to deceive,

that He Song managed to piece together this information from their previous exchange.

However, the information He Song obtained wasn't entirely complete.

For example,

they never mentioned whether the evil wind within that barrier had any effect on the defenses they deployed together when they entered the treasure site.