Chapter 613: Art of Taiyin Puppetry_2

Golden Core Puppet Refining Skill.

Not every cultivator had the capability to meddle with it.

The starting bid of a thousand mid-grade spirit stones was not something every cultivator could afford.

Even a Foundation Establishment True Person of considerable wealth might have to hesitate greatly before they could meet such a starting bid.

But, once such a Golden Core Puppet Refining Skill caught the eye of a Golden Elixir Master, its value would assuredly skyrocket.

Just the starting bid alone was definitely not enough to secure the item.

Therefore, within the auction hall.

Whether it was the numerous Qi Refining stage cultivators.

Or the Foundation Establishment True Persons, whose status was much higher than those Qi Refining stage cultivators, but still pitifully low compared to a Golden Elixir Master.

All of them only watched the item with burning gazes, with not a single person daring to make a bid.

This was an item of the Golden Core.