Chapter 614 A Stir_1

Those who had been slowly increasing their bids in the auction now found various thoughts flashing through their minds.

Considering the fact that He Song had only shouted out an opening bid earlier,

and had yet since remained quiet,

they had initially suspected that He Song was likely a plant by the Treasure Pavilion, or had been hired by the owner of the item.

After all, who would only shout out an opening bid and then let other cultivators drive up the price?

And to be able to make a bid before the Golden Elixir Masters had even spoken,

it seemed unlikely that he was a normal participant in the auction.

To dare to make an opening bid with the risk of offending Golden Elixir Masters,

He Song's identity, in their view, seemed very likely to be one of a plant.

If not, why would He Song be the first to call out an opening bid instead of other Foundation Establishment True Persons?