Chapter 642 Golden Core Great Battles_2

At the same time, this would also make He Song's subsequent departure from this place safer.


When a powerful spiritual pressure spread over the area outside Smoke-Cloud State Mansion.

Within the state mansion, one Gold Core Master after another soared into the sky, laying down Great Arrays to protect the entire state mansion.

He Song naturally knew that something serious must have happened outside.

Although he did not know exactly what had happened.

But for He Song, once trouble really broke out outside and Gold Core Masters were battling outside Smoke-Cloud State Mansion.

He would no longer have to worry about his own safety when he subsequently concealed himself and left this place.

After all, the incident happening outside must be related to that half-finished Gold Core Puppet auctioned earlier.

Apart from this, He Song could not think of any other possibility.

And those Gold Core Masters who were fighting outside at this moment.