Chapter 643: Fighting for Life_1

But even until now.

As He Song extended his divine sense and got closer and closer to those few Golden Elixir Masters who were in the midst of a magical duel.

The situation he could sense naturally became clearer and clearer.

In the distance, within the reach of He Song's divine sense, four Golden Elixir Masters appeared.

In addition to these four Golden Elixir Masters, there were also two Golden Core spirit beasts fighting alongside them.

Four Golden Elixir Masters, plus two mighty Golden Core spirit beasts.

A total of six Golden Core combatants were currently fighting a ferocious battle outside the state mansion of the Smoke-Cloud State.

Immense Golden Core magical power was unleashed recklessly, fracturing the surrounding mountains and upturning large swathes of land to reveal layers of dark rocks beneath.

Furthermore, due to the six Golden Cores fighting there, residual waves of the battle would occasionally fly out, scattering to other areas.