Chapter 657 Sir, Spare My Life_1

After all, He Song's spirit elixirs and spirit amulets were hard currency among Gold Core Cultivators.

He was not worried about whether he could trade with other Golden Elixir Masters to get what he needed.

Therefore, He Song now simply needed to quietly wait for the Taiyin Puppet before him to be completely formed.

As for the subsequent enhancement of the puppet's strength and other matters, they naturally were all within He Song's plans.

As time passed,

the Taiyin Puppet in front of He Song continuously absorbed spirit Qi and Yin Qi, and its aura gradually stabilized.

When the aura of the Taiyin Puppet finally stabilized at the Early Jindan Stage,

He Song, who had been watching the process by the side, also had a move in his heart at this moment.

Since the aura of the Taiyin Puppet had already stabilized,

it was naturally time for He Song to personally perform the incantations and skills to completely turn the Taiyin Puppet into his own.