Chapter 657: Sir, Spare My Life_2

"Why can this array not be broken?"

Clearly, under his continuous assault, the array above was already densely covered with cracks.

Yet, it was just short of that final bit.

His repeated attacks had left cracks on the array.

But these cracks would be nearly repaired before his next attack.

As such, with each attack, he felt he was just a little short of completely shattering the array in front of him.

But it was this little bit that he could not seem to break through.

Even though he constantly increased the strength of his attacks and reduced the intervals between them,

he still fell just that little bit short.

Under such circumstances,

Cloud Traversal True Monarch's doubts grew heavier.

This array... it didn't seem like the spirit stones within were running out; it seemed more like the array was designed to defend like this.

But why didn't his initial attacks upon arriving not cause the array to be in its current state?