Chapter 658 The Great Battle Begins_1

Cultivator's Golden Core.

Extremely valuable.

If one could obtain it, I'm afraid it would make even a commonplace Golden Elixir Master rich overnight!

For a cultivator like him, who had just made a breakthrough to the Golden Elixir Early Stage, who had just grasped the power of the Golden Core,

it was indeed a tremendous opportunity.

Moreover, although Cloud Traversal True Monarch's strength wasn't considered strong within the Golden Elixir Realm, only being called a cultivator who had just grasped the power of the Golden Core,

his strength was still slightly greater than that of the newbie Gold Core Cultivator, who just appeared before him and was now attacking him.

A cultivator who had just entered the Golden Elixir Realm, although much stronger compared to a Foundation Establishment True Person,

was still far weaker compared to a Gold Core Cultivator like him, who had already mastered the power of the Golden Core, held two spirit artifacts, and knew Golden Elixir Skills.