Chapter 662: Utilizing the Talismanic Treasure_1

Even though He Song's identity was unknown,

just from the terrifying and incomparable mana aura when he made his move against him,

and the power that directly shattered the several layers of defense on his body,

it was certain that He Song's strength was not low.

He Song's cultivation level must surpass his own, and it was very likely that he was a cultivator in the Golden Core Middle Stage, or even possibly at the Later Stage of Golden Elixir.

As someone who had just stepped into the Golden Core Realm and had only just grasped the power of the Golden Core,

Cloud Traversal True Monarch, in the face of such cultivators, offered all he had and was willing to serve for a hundred years in exchange for his own safety, which could be considered the best he could offer.

After all, no matter how weak he was, he was, just like He Song, a Golden Elixir Master.

As a Golden Elixir Master,