Chapter 662: Using the Talismanic Treasure_2

Once he knew the limit of its power,

then in the future, should he encounter this situation again, he could act without hesitation as before.

By then, as long as He Song felt he could make a move, he would surely be able to capture the opponent with ease.

There would be no longer any need for the indecision he had before.

As these thoughts flickered through his mind, He Song's eyes became deep and profound, and that string of ordinary-looking White Rainbow Jade Beads appeared in his hand.

After a moment of thought,

He Song finally ceased his control of the Divine Thunder Array that was attacking Cloud Traversal True Monarch.

And he also commanded Qing Feng to return to his side.

Even the Purple Lightning Spirit Snake was recalled by He Song, returning into the Purple Lightning Spirit Snake Seal.

After He Song had done all this, Cloud Traversal True Monarch, who had been trapped and under siege, was now overjoyed.

In Cloud Traversal True Monarch's view,