Chapter 256: Inborn Candidates

An entire Inborn quota, Lu Yuan reserved it for his eldest son, Lu He.

As for the remaining half, he was somewhat hesitant.

Actually, it can be considered a complete quota, though the term half quota is used.

Nowadays, the Great Chu dominates three prefectures, spanning thousands of miles.

With such expansive territory, collecting Divine Blood Spirit Medicine to help someone break through Innate within it was naturally achievable.

However, gathering enough spiritual medicine to cultivate an Inborn Grandmaster was a bit difficult.

It would be impossible without exterminating some Jianghu factions and martial arts families.

At this time, Lu Yuan's priorities were to stabilize the country, develop national strength, and gather Qi Luck, so he naturally didn't want to engage in activities that would disturb local stability and greatly reduce national power.