Chapter 256: Inborn Candidates_2

Even Liang Country might be coveting the northern territory of Chu State at this moment, and after hearing the news that Zhou Qing is about to break through Innate, can they guarantee that they won't take any little action?

It is for these various concerns that, before Zhou Qing breaks through Innate and consolidates his realm, this news must not be leaked out.

Fortunately, Zhou Qing has now met all the conditions and, with the guidance of his teacher, Lu Yuan, has found the direction to build his martial arts external body.

So, in the time to come, he will create his martial arts external body and then use his own divine soul to become the true meaning, completely evolving the Outer World.

And this process took Lu Yuan almost more than a year.

Zhou Qing's talent is not inferior to him, even stronger in some aspects; perhaps one year is enough.

That is to say,