Chapter 256: Inborn Candidates_3

Moreover, my arms and legs are old now, let alone practicing martial arts, I'm afraid even lifting a sword might break my bones.

Under such circumstances, how can I practice martial arts?"

Although Sun Siwen was deeply moved by Lu Yuan's words, he still had many concerns in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "Age is not a problem. Our Chu State is vast, and we have everything. Brother Sun, if you are willing to practice martial arts, I can collect divine medicines from all over the world and personally cleanse your marrow and rebuild your foundation.

It's okay if it takes a bit longer.

Brother Sun has been studying the classics for many years, and his mindset is well-cultivated.

All you need to do is to put some effort into studying the Buddhist and Taoist classics, and understand the principles of martial arts, and your mindset would not be much different from those top martial artists in the Jianghu.