Chapter 146: Devil's Feast

If this person didn't turn out to be an anomaly, he would be that mortician known as "Feigns Difficulty in Flying," who is at the Perfected Realm, also known as Feigned Perfected.

As he spoke, he tossed the wine from his cup into the air. The liquor turned into a mist, enveloping everyone within the Great Hall. The few who were sober suddenly changed color. They couldn't move, and they watched helplessly as the wine seeped into their mouths and their vision gradually blurred.

Wang Zijia looked at the fog-like atmosphere filling the room, his eyes lit up a bit. At that moment, of course, he dared not act recklessly and took in two deep breaths, as if drinking a good wine.

"Value +1023!"

"Good wine!"


"Let's dance again!"


At this moment, various bold statements echoed throughout the Great Hall. It seemed like Wang Zijia had been transported back in time to a somewhat immortal family banquet taking place a thousand years ago.