Chapter 147: False Dao True Zhuge Scripture

Wang Zijia looked at the young manservant before him, of the two he didn't know him well, and he was slightly relieved that this one seemed to more likely be the originally planned old mystery.

"Hmm, renew for two more days!" Wang Zijia said, fetching two hundred magic money.

The manservant took the magic money, counted it for a moment, and said: "Very well, Immortal Elder, is there anything else you need?"

"No, you can go!" Wang Zijia said.

Upon hearing this, the manservant hurriedly bowed to Wang Zijia and left.

After watching him leave, Wang Zijia's eyes gradually lost focus.

A moment after the manservant left the courtyard, on a mountain trail, five ghostly fogs suddenly appeared and enveloped the manservant in an instant.

During the fog's contraction, it transformed into a writhing mass of flesh, completely encapsulating the manservant like a tight, white flesh cocoon.