Chapter 302: First Gathering of the Hidden Faction_2

Only then did he realize that his first task was actually a group task and by the looks of it, there were quite a number of participants.

"Hidden Faction, White Sword!"

"Shadow, Black Tiger!"

"Shadow, Blood Spirit!"

Two identical responses left Du Kang slightly taken aback; were they Shadow warriors?

Was tonight's task highly dangerous?

Judging from the cultivation of these two, it seemed that both had at least middle-stage combat capabilities, but what was he, a novice of ceremonial wine monks, supposed to do?

The three of them waited silently for a moment again. When the agreed-upon time approached, all three simultaneously turned their gaze in one direction.

They saw a stranger, an old Taoist, and a woman whom Du Kang didn't know step into their view simultaneously.

Minxin did recognize Demonic Child, but regarding Balofi, he wouldn't recognize her if she passed him by. The last time they interacted, they barely spoke.