Chapter 303: You Don't Necessarily Need an Infant God to Attain Enlightenment

Looking at the Magic Door and the completely different Pollution Weight, Wang Zijia furrowed his brows.

He did not waste any more time in the Sea of Consciousness and decided to come out directly. He glanced at Rao Xuelan, who lay sleeping on the ground.

"If you commit a small sin, I can turn a blind eye. But what you did in Wanyu, massing up such sins, and the way you did it... It crossed the line. Forget it!"

His words seemed like he was pronouncing a death sentence on her, yet at the same time, he appeared to be telling himself that there was no need to manipulate her memory anymore.

His attention was now on Rao Xuelan, contemplating how to deal with her.

Killing her directly was not an option. She held a good position in the Transformation Pulse and if an investigation was launched, his hands might get dirty.