Chapter 314: Completion of a Stage of Inheritance and a Realm Lost [Seeking Monthly Tickets, Seeking Subscriptions]_2

Dao cultivation: Two hundred years (111/200)

Magic Door: Fake Foundation Heart Symbol Summon (minor accomplishment, 25,000/30,000)

Taiji: 112546

Magic money: 3963

Dao Kung: 5012


The value harvest was good, but it was somewhat impoverished. This was mainly because all the efforts were put into the cultivation path, with almost no focus on making money. Very few talismans had been made.

[Would you like to consume 50,000 values and upgrade the Fake Foundation Heart Symbol Summon to Great Mastery?]


With Wang Zijia's confirmation, an extremely complex, spherical, three-dimensional rune group slowly formed in the Red Copper Weight.

Countless insights emerged simultaneously, and the False Dao True Record from the Blood Red Jade Book again appeared.

Two book pages floated before Wang Zijia, and what stunned him was that this time there was no choice for him to make.

The two book pages turned directly into a stream of runes, pouring into Wang Zijia's heartland.