Upon hearing this, Wang Zijia's heart sank entirely, not in the mood to hear any more.

He hurriedly left the Taoist Fantasy, as he had a far more urgent matter to deal with than engaging in conversations and gathering information.

His channel-opening task hadn't been initiated—his Martial Uncle had told him that his previous tasks were pretty much settled.

But even if you didn't count the six months of discipleship, he had been back in the sect for a half-year, and there was still no progress on the channel-opening task.

Wang Zijia's real concern was this, not the trifling tricks thrown at him by the Secular Courtyard.

Their bullying was trivial.

But if one manipulates the channel-opening task well, they could produce a fatal blow and directly incapacitate him. It would be very difficult for him to recover.

Since their meeting at the Etiquette Institute, Yue Changqing had not seen him, nor had he sent anyone to pass a message or launched a genuine attack on him.