Chapter 392: The Suddenly Arrived Catastrophe

Early the next morning, Wang Zijia and several women went about their usual routine of punching and eating breakfast.

"The array construction for various functional buildings in the core area of the Vein is almost done, and the final inspection is due today. Do you want to check on it?" Xiang Feifei asked while they were eating breakfast.

Unlike her panicky and clueless self from two months ago, she was now adept at handling tasks related to the running of the Vein, showing signs of a powerful female leader.

"I'll pass. Since I've entrusted you with this, you should see it through to the end," Wang Zijia replied casually, without interrupting his meal, and gave Xiang Feifei a smile.

"Alright." Xiang Feifei looked at Wang Zijia and added, "I'm a bit worried that if anything is not done correctly, and we need them to come back, we might have to pay them Magic money!"