Chapter 392: The Suddenly Arriving Catastrophe_2

Upon hearing the words, Qiu Liangong thought for a moment and then nodded, saying, "Alright, I'll help you adjust it."

In their conversation, the two walked out of the building. Qiu Liangong raised his hand, and the building sculpture was again collected into his arms.

However, the two just flew into the sky, they were shocked, unconsciously stopped their Escape Light and looked into the sky.

This moment was the high noon. The sun was shining brightly a second ago, but in the next second, the sky suddenly became dim.

When the two of them looked up at the sky, it was already covered with dark clouds. The black clouds rolled continuously, a sense of heavy pressure swept over, lingering in everyone's hearts.

The faint sense of destruction, the special heavenly Dao sensing, made the monks innately feel a wave of restlessness. Under spiritual stimulation, an uneasy feeling permeated their hearts, and a natural urge to escape was born.