Chapter 122 Curse Witch (Asking for Subscription, Asking for Monthly Tickets)_3

Seven Brown's thoughts were in a whirl right now; she couldn't make sense of things, and she remained silent.

Leonard Churchill didn't expect her to believe him right away.

Observing his surroundings, he voiced the question that Seven Brown was harboring, saying, "The 'third party' who conspired against you from behind the scenes is very powerful. I can't guarantee that if someone comes pursing, I can take you away. Suppose I can't stand against them..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Seven Brown interrupted him, saying, "In case you can't stand against them, don't bother about me."

Then, sincerely, she added, "Anyway, thank you for saving me."

Maintaining caution was instinctual.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have survived for so long in the gangs of Sinless City.

But intuition told Seven Brown that this man held no ill intentions towards her.


Leonard Churchill didn't say much in response.

He also discerned exceptional courage from Seven Brown's tone.