Chapter 122 Curse Witch (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Monthly Tickets)_4

Seven Brown isn't foolish, she sees the "third party" has appeared.

She already knows that her Flood Gang and Brotherhood have both been manipulated.

They have fallen into the schemes of others, designed to instigate a conflict and cause mutual consumption.

No matter which of these two major gangs is eliminated, the other will definitely be severely damaged.

The structure of Sinless City will immediately change.

The control of Gold-digging Dock will completely shift hands.

As for who will seize control, it can only be the Noble Class that profits the most from this changed situation.

The old woman, not interested in revealing any more, sneered, "Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is you. Now that I have shown myself, I definitely cannot let you, a little girl, live and return."

Seven Brown is well aware of this. She knows her death is inevitable.

Looking at the deformed puppet in the old woman's hand, she guesses something, "Have you bribed someone close to me?"
