039 Rare Level Template

Goblin Forest.

The moment Dean McKenzie saw this goblin tribe, he made up his mind, he was going to eliminate this tribe.

He said it!

Without hesitating, Dean McKenzie got to work!

Raising a shield for Doggy Two, he was about to send Doggy Two into battle.

However, before Dean McKenzie could even give the order.

A figure whizzed out from a different direction.

A red figure with a huge red hammer.

Dean McKenzie was taken aback, isn't that Boss Hammer?

Dean McKenzie didn't expect to run into Boss Hammer again, first in the Skeleton Cave and now in the Goblin Forest.

Instinctively, he cast the Appraisal Skill again.

This time it worked, and Dean McKenzie was able to see most of Bell Bella's attributes.


Name: Bell Bella

Template Quality: Rare

Trait: ???

Level: 8


Strength: 18 (5), Agility: 6 (2), Physique: 10

Attack: 18+(12)

Defense: 5+(10)

Spirit Power: 30

Skills: Charge (level 2), Heavy Strike (level 2), Flame Battle Hammer (level 1)