135 Thir-turn Trial_3

After Donald Morgan finished speaking, he didn't give Dean McKenzie a chance to renegotiate but left straight away.

Watching Donald Morgan's departing figure, Dean's eyes narrowed.

He watched Donald's figure get further and further away until it disappeared. Only then did Dean close his eyes and made every effort to enter the Meditation State.

He had to enter the Meditation State. The situation in this lava cave was such that if Dean didn't, he was afraid he might not be able to stop himself from striking out.

"Bear with it, just bear with it. Since someone is so generous to help me reach Third-turn, I have no reason to refuse it!

Wait till I reach Third-turn and then strike.

Tomorrow, is it? Good, tomorrow I will give you a huge surprise!"

With that, Dean sunk into a deep Meditation State.

Even though this state couldn't help Dean increase his Mana limit, it could calm his mind and also improve his Skill proficiency.