Picking up 140 heads, Gold Suit

Bloody Church headquarters.


Donald Morgan and the middle-aged man known as Elaine Richardson spat blood simultaneously, a shocking sight that left Dean McKenzie aghast.

However, Dean reacted swiftly.

Although he did not know what Donald had done, it would soon be his turn to shine.

To ensure safety, Dean cast Appraisal Skill on Elaine Richardson first.

[You have successfully used Appraisal Skill on[Elaine Richardson], revealing the target's attributes.]


Name: Elaine Richardson

Template: Rare

Level: 109

Status: After interrupting the ceremony of an evil god, was gravely injured by the god's backlash, only one percent of original strength remains!


Dean's eyes lit up when he saw this attribute.

Only one percent of original strength remains. Isn't this utterly a severely wounded enemy, ripe for the picking?

Dean raised his hand, casting three spells in succession.

[Slow Curse][Lower Resistance][Vision Deprivation]