156 Inventory Harvest

The journey from Blackwater City to the South Barbarian's Hundred Thousand Mountains is very far, almost ten thousand kilometers!

Dean McKenzie definitely can't walk that far.

Dean McKenzie walked for a day. It was too slow!

The most suitable transport he had at hand was Old Seven's horse.

Dean McKenzie bargained with Old Seven to borrow his horse.

When Old Seven heard Dean McKenzie's request, his whole skeleton was shocked.

His bones quivered, his pupil fire flickered, and he looked at Dean McKenzie incredulously.

It seemed like what Dean McKenzie wanted to borrow was not his horse, but his newlywed young wife.

He eventually lent it to him, but the way Dean McKenzie looked at the unicorn skeleton horse made Old Seven feel heartbroken, as if Dean McKenzie was committing a 'sin before him'.

In the end, Dean McKenzie could only take a compromise.

He asked Old Six to build a horse cart for him, and let Old Seven pull it along.