160 Extraordinary Template boss, successfully changed profession_2

[Warning, the Promotion Trial of Abyss difficulty will involve an adversary of the fifth-turn level. The difficulty is extremely high and failure may lead to potential life-threatening danger. Do you want to start the promotion?]

[Promotion Trial activated!]


One after another, system notifications started to flood in as soon as Dean McKenzie entered the Promotion Temple.

As Dean nodded, the Promotion Trial officially began, and he was teleported away amidst a grey light.

By the time the familiar feeling of weightlessness reached him, Dean had already appeared in the Land of Trials.

Just as Dean stepped into the Land of Trials, the system notification popped up before his eyes.

[You have entered the Land of Trials, your trial task: Dragon Slaying!]

"What the hell is this?"

Staring at the notification, Dean was instantly taken aback.

Before Dean could react, a beastly roar echoed across the sky.