189 First Legendary Trait_3

The price was about twice Finch Olmedo's fortune, which made him slave away for the next one or two months just for a Task Scroll. He was so busy that he was practically flying around.

Dean McKenzie, on the other hand, who had already trained up his toad offspring, was much more relaxed.

He simply sat back and did nothing, as people naturally supplied the resources he needed in front of him.

Life was quite comfortable.

Four months passed for Dean like this.

During these four months, Finch Olmedo finally managed to scrape together 50,000 Gold Coins to buy the Fifth-turn Extermination Task Scroll.

Meanwhile, the gains on Dean's side were even more astounding.

The population of the City of Bone grew from 300 four months ago to 800 now.

This was also the temporary limit for the City of Bone.

After all, Dean had only deployed over six thousand people.

Of these six thousand plus people, some died in the ten-thousand-mountains, while others left the region.