192 Bone Catastrophe Mage

In the Giant Bear Tribe, at the location of the Promotion Temple.

Yorick Meyer's face turned as pale as a sheet. He stared in terror at the Promotion Temple.

Next to him, the tower-like Bear Barry was also fixated on the Promotion Temple.

As he looked at the shimmering, blood-red light on the Temple, Barry's face uncannily displayed unprecedented solemnity.

He had never seen a promotion light of this color before.

But one thing was certain: it was definitely the glow of a mode, even higher-grade than the Abyss Mode.

Meaning, the young man inside had cleared a mode even more terrifying than the Abyss.

How could Bear Barry not be taken aback?

After all, he had barely survived passing through Hell Mode.

The Abyss Mode wasn't even something he dared to consider.

But now, someone had cleared a mode beyond the Abyss right before him.

Bear Barry had no doubt that, as long as this being could survive,