261 Talent Upgrade, Tour Begins_2

After acquiring these two things, Dean McKenzie found nothing else worth getting his hands on.

Just like that, several days passed quickly, and soon it was the day of the Charming Demon Princess's parade.

On this day, Dean McKenzie woke up early and was preparing to go out, but he found a line of people at his door, no, not people, entities that looked like humans but were essentially demons inside.

"Go back!"

The figure at the front spoke to Dean McKenzie emotionlessly.

Seeing this arrangement, Dean McKenzie quickly figured out who they had been sent by.

His face darkened instantaneously.

"To think that I actually believed they'd leave after taking the money, what a demonstration of class. And to think they actually sent people to block my door, very disappointing. Is there no trust left between people anymore?

Even though I'm not exactly trustworthy myself!"

Dean McKenzie said, charging at them directly.