Reward Settlement 267_2

[You spent 500,000 God's Gold Coins to endow your Wraith Servants, Doggy Four, Doggy Six, Doggy Seven, Doggy Eight, and Doggy Nine each with 10,000 god-level essences, raising their skills to god-level (level 9)!]

[You have learned the god-level Skills [Immortal Body] and [Fist of Destruction]]

[You spent 1.3 million God's Gold Coins and 130,000 god-level essences to upgrade your skills [Bone Fang], [Bone Armor], [Bone Prison], [Bone Domination], [Slow Curse], [Appraisal Skill], [Meditation], [Holy Light Judgment], [Bone Resistance], [Flight Skill], [Heart of Savagery], [Immortal Body], [Fist of Destruction] to God-level (level 9) (Limit)!]


In this instant, the resources Dean McKenzie has invested can only be described as colossal.

Of course, with the pouring of this flood of resources, Dean McKenzie's increase in power was naturally terrifying.

Leaving aside everything else, and just considering those 2000 god-level skeletons.