A birthday or a death-day. It wasn't just another night, instead it was a night of celebration and a night of happiness. It had been ten years since their parents died. Elena and Elise had been struggling since that day.
They wanted to live it like it was their last. "Are you sure we can spend that much?" Elise asked as she sighed and held her tongue from saying more words to her hardworking and ignorant sister. She sighed again and gulped, she had worry written all over her, she adjusted her collar for comfort.
Elise watched as her sister smiled and packed her hair in a bun. "You are growing old, you know. You should try on the boots that sat in their wardrobe for years. It's a special day because it's your birthday." Elena scoffed hard and laughed.
"Yes it's my birthday, but I don't want to spend so much, there will be other birthdays." Elise said with a crooked voice, she was holding her back from the tears that would burst out from her dripping eyes.
"Let us enjoy this night okay?" Elena said as she went on to get her scarf from the wall. She gave her sister a faint smile and hid the fact that her sister was right, they didn't have a lot. They cannot afford to go out for dinner but since it's a special occasion Elena was ready to make her sister happy.
Elise turned around and went on to take the brown stiletto boots that sat down before the abandoned fireplace. She panted as she hadn't worn it in years. She blew out air as she knelt down to pull it from where it was, it was dusty brown and covered with spider web.
"Where is the broom?" Elise yelled out. She hasn't worn her outfit yet. It was their mum's- a light blue jumpsuit. "Check behind the door." Elena called out while she was busy in the other room.
"Okay." Elisa said as she stood up, and she walked to the door, she got the broom as she stretched her hands and tried her best to grab the broom without moving any extra inch.
"Phew." She said was able to get the broom without any more stress. She closed her eyes, and moved back to where the shoes were. Not only that, but she used the broom and dusted it, even when she was inches away from it.
She dusted the cobwebs and when she was done. She placed it on the table. As soon as she dusted the infused boots that let out a yellow fug. She dusted it with her hands and blew air from her mouth to relieve it.
"Be careful." Elena said as she walked in on her sister. "Oh my god, you look so good. This gown is the prettiest. I like it." Elise said as she rested her arms on the table and tilted her head.
She was glad to see her sister in a red little fringe gown, it had a slit and it showed her cleavages. Elena was always in a plain blue T-shirt and a plain black trouser, she worked at a pizza shop as a delivery girl with the scooter that she got from selling their late father's car.
"I like it too, just open it." Elena said to her sister with a smirk. "It's just mum's old shoes, and it's brown and- can't, I just wear something else, the brown stiletto doesn't match it." Elise complained but Elena wasn't in the mood. "Elena? You didn't- you really-oh my god." Elise didn't even realize it.
Elena switched the old heels of their mother and had it changed, it was a high heel- a blue one. It has a blue butterfly on its back, florals and straps too. A short one but it looked expensive.
"What? That's an early birthday gift and I have been saving it for a year now. You always wear shoes till the soles pull off and even then you would glue them still, you deserve this." Elena said as she hugged her sister, she pulled away and placed her hands on her sister's shoulders. "But-you know that this is quite expensive."
Elise said as she tried to explain to her sister, she even wanted to say so much but her voice got lost in her throat, she wanted to tell her sister that she had she loved her, and she wanted to give her all to her but the emotional wall that was built up couldn't let her do that.
"Just say thank you and wear your gown? I want you to call Uber and confirm." Elena said as she walked out to the door. Elsie closed her eyes and went to the room. She wore the jumpsuit and tried not to make this worse, she couldn't remember the last time that Elena bought anything for herself.
She couldn't remember when Elena was happy or when she had a boyfriend. Elena became her mother and her father, she took the responsibility, and she was always grateful for her sister.
She sighed, and smiled. With her hands on her hair she adjusted, she didn't want a ponytail. She had her hair down, and it was perfect, her wavy hair bounced as she touched it. She did a little makeup, a touch of brown lipstick.
"Elise-we might be late to our reservation. Okay?" Elena said as she walked back in. The Uber was there and ready. They were still staying in their parents house. That's the only thing that they owned. "I am ready." Elise said as she walked out of the room to her sister.
"Wow. You look so beautiful-it's like you are finally ready. You aren't the little girl that I raised anymore." Elena said as she wanted to hug her little sister, but she knew she had to accept that her sister isn't a teenager anymore and that she was a grown lady.
"Let's go, before we cry our makeup off." Elise said as she could already read her sister's mind. "Okay." Elena gulped as they locked the door. "The driver is an old man. Wouldn't have expected it." Elise said in a sarcastic tone as she looked at her sister.
"It's cheap and I know it's not a Tesla or a Lamborghini or a Mercedes. So let's go in and enjoy your birthday." Elena said as she rubbed her sister's shoulder. Elise sat down in the front of the car while Elena said at the back, she allowed it.
"What restaurant do you want to go to? I can't use the whole phone thing yet." As soon as the old man said, The girls turned to look at each other, they were seconds from bursting into laughter. "The first man's" Elena said as she smiled, she had her head in her purse, she wanted to check her phone.
"Oh, that's very fancy." Elise said while the driver started the car. "I don't know about you but after today. The next outing has to be for you okay??" The guilt that her sister is already doing a lot for her birthday was eating her up.
"Can you pay attention sir. You aren't looking at the road." Elise brought the attention of the driver back to reality. He was dozing off, neither of the girls can drive. He kept stopping and waking up. Elena was busy with her phone.
"Sir, can you park the car!" Elise yelled and so did Elena. She held onto the driver, but it seemed like he had fainted. "Elise, use the break, use the break." Amidst all that was happening, there was a red light, the car wasn't slowing down, it was speeding instead. His leg was on the accelerator of the car.
"Can you help us?" Elena yelled as she peeped through the window. The girls were struck with a man who had fainted, none of them could drive. They were headed for a cliff. The fear that they would lose each other held on to them like a grip.
"Help us!" They yelled, there was a bump, a huge one. They finally removed the man's foot from the accelerator, but it was too late, as soon as they hit the bump. The car turned, and the three screeched, a loud sound was heard, the car had hit a tree.