Chapter 18 : Result of flirting with my wife.

Farah lay on her back, gazing at the ceiling as her thoughts spiraled into a labyrinth of questions and doubts. 

"Two bouquets," she muttered to herself, thinking back to the days when Ava received those mysterious flowers. Were those sent by Ibrahim Rahman or that was someone else? Farah wondered.

And when Elara had detected the faint scent of a man's cologne in Ava's room. Could this scent have belonged to Ibrahim or someone else? But why hadn't Ava confided in her best friend, someone Ava had shared her secrets with for years? They had shared secrets of each other about everything. 

Then Ava's sudden disappearance from home had further deepened the mystery. Farah wondered whether Ava had genuinely run away. "Did she really run away?" Farah mumbled. It all seemed surreal, like something out of a movie.

Farah was so tensed this days that she couldn't bring herself to attend the ceremony. If she had attended, Farah would have undoubtedly unleashed her fury at Ava for keeping such a significant part of her life secret. But in the silence of her room, she couldn't help but feel that there was more to the story than met the eye.

While lost in her thoughts, Farah's phone chimed, indicating a new message. She picked up her phone and saw a message from Elara. It read, "Come to my apartment, in an hour and bring your laptop."


Ibrahim couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when he came to know that Ava hadn't informed him of her shopping needs but had instead sent a list to Faisal. Determined to play a more active role in providing for her, he decided to take Ava shopping for the items she needed. 

He watched Ava as she browsed through the items on the shelves while standing near the counter. He wasn't wearing suits as other day, instead he had opted for a more casual look that day, wearing an off-white t-shirt and blue jeans.

A satisfied smile graced his lips as he observed Ava's every move. He couldn't help but admire her long, jet-black hair captivated him anew everyday, it felt like he was falling in love with her more and more.

The shop they entered was a familiar one for Ava. She had been a regular customer for years and had developed a good relationship with the shop owner over the years.

The aged owner was sitting behind the counter asked Ibrahim, "When did you two get married?" 

Ibrahim turned toward the owner and replied, "Just yesterday."

The owner nodded in approval. "Ava is a sweet girl. I've known her since she was 12 years old. She used to come here every day with her elder brother to buy a pen."

Ibrahim engaged in a conversation with the owner. He was looking like a normal person, but soon her normal behaviour was going to break.

While Ava was selecting some pens, a male customer approached her with an overly confident grin. 

The man leaned against a nearby shelf and said with a cheesy tone, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? I must say, this place just got a hundred times more beautiful since you walked in."

Ava glanced at the man and replied with a stern tone, "I suggest you mind your own business and not disturb me." 

The flirty customer seemed taken aback by Ava's direct response. He mumbled something under his breath and reluctantly backed away, heading for the exit.

Little did he know, Ibrahim had been observing the entire encounter. His possessiveness flared. And a storm was brewing in his eyes. His face was a visible display of anger. Ibrahim also left the store after the man and started to follow him. He was not one to let such incidents slide, especially when it involved his wife.

Ibrahim seized the man's arm with a forceful grip and led him into the alleyway behind the shop. Under the unforgiving midday sun the atmosphere was suffocating. The man asked, "Hey who are you? What do you want from me?" 

Ibrahim's grip tightened on the man's arm as he yanked him further into the alley. And the first punch landed square on his face, snapping his head back with the force of the blow. Blood erupted from his nose, staining his clothes and spattering on the ground.

Ibrahim's eyes burned with a fire, "You thought you could harass my wife? Did you believe you could disrespect what belongs to me?" Each syllable dripped with grudge.

Ibrahim didn't give him a moment's respite. His second punch was on the man's gut, causing the air to be knocked out of him. The man gasped for breath. His cries of pain echoed through the alley, but it fell on deaf ears. He couldn't even feel anything as the whole body was aching so much. 

"You have no idea who you've crossed, and you won't ever forget this lesson." Ibrahim's voice was chilling. 

The man tried to answer, " don't understand. I didn't mean any harm."

 But Ibrahim was not in a mood to hear his excuses. He grabbed the man by the collar, lifting him off the ground. He slammed the man's head against the brick wall. A sickening thud reverberated through the alley. Blood began to trickle from a wound on his forehead. He cried out in agony as the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. The alley was empty, with no witnesses in sight, a perfect place for Ibrahim to vent his anger.

On the other hand, Ava didn't see Ibrahim in the store. She paid the bill and coming towards the car. As she approached the narrow alley beside the shop, a distant cry caught her attention. It was a cry of pain and desperation. She rushed towards the alley. Then she saw Ibrahim, his fingers tightly wrapped around a man's throat. It was the same man who was trying to flirt with heart. The man's face had already started turning a sickening shade of purple as he gasped for breath. Her shopping bag slipped from her hand.

Trembling with fear, she moved closer to Ibrahim and pushed him to free the man, "Ibrahim, stop it! Let him go!"

It wasn't easy, but Ava pushed with all her might, attempting to free the man from Ibrahim's grip. She used all her force and finally Ibrahim's iron grip began to loosen. But his gaze never left the man's. The man started to cough and grasp for air. 

Ava turned towards the man, her hands still held Ibrahim's, "Go away from here. Don't look back, just go as far as you can." 

The man needed no further encouragement. He staggered to his feet and quickly fled from the scene. 

Ava turned her gaze towards Ibrahim, her heart still racing from the shock. The image of the man's battered and bloodied face was etched into her mind. She took a deep breath and found the courage to confront Ibrahim, her eyes locked onto his, "Have you gone mad?"


The salad bowl crashed to the floor from Farah's trembling hand as she watched the live footage on her laptop. The sight of Ibrahim attempting to kill the man sent shockwaves through her. Elara, sitting beside her on the sofa. Instead of getting worried, he appeared unfazed, his gaze also riveted to the laptop screen.

Farah turned to Elara, "How did you know this was going to happen?"

Elara leaned back, "I'm a police officer, Farah. I may not be as clever as Ibrahim, but at the very least, I have a sixth sense about certain things."

Farah was astounded. "Elara... Ibrahim was about to kill that man just now. If Ava hadn't intervened..."

Elara nodded and closed the laptop, "Ibrahim has never been one to fear killing in broad daylight."

He rose from the sofa. But Farah was still in shock, "Elara, why did you orchestrate this scene? You already knew Ibrahim wasn't a good man, so what was the purpose?"

Elara leaned and started tidying up the salad mess, "I wanted to see how far Ibrahim would go and his obsession with Ava." He locked eyes with Farah and continued, "I had the man sent to flirt with Ava in front of Ibrahim."

"But how did you know that Ibrahim would come specifically to this alley? He could have chosen a different path." Farah again asked. Her Questions would not end soon. 

"I've installed eight cameras in five different locations. I've been monitoring Ibrahim since the moment I learned about their wedding. Then I got some information of him. Ibrahim always surveys the area before going anywhere, including this time. He was aware of the hidden locations near the store."

Elara went to kitchen and Farah also followed him, "But how could you have known he'd bring Ava to that specific store? "

Elara threw the remnants of the salad into the trash and explained, "Professor Siti called me early in the morning. She might have gotten my number from the university diary, where Ava had listed my contact as her guardian. She informed me about Ava's assignments, which Ava hadn't submitted. Then I gave Ava's personal number to her. I knew that Ava didn't have the materials there. Either she'll come to shop or anyone will bring for her. In the meantime, one of my informants confirmed that Ibrahim and Ava had left the mansion. I set everything in motion – from installing the cameras to sending the man to flirt with Ava."

Farah listened in awe. She didn't know what to ask next. If Elara could plan this much then why he couldn't help Ava to escape before her marriage. Farah angrily asked, "Why didn't you stop their marriage Elara? Why did you let your sister marry this monster? Why?" 

Elara stopped in the middle, he was washing his hands. He turned into Farah, "What could I have done, Farah? Ava stood before me, professing her love for that man. How could I have stopped her? She doesn't even realize the danger she's in. You have no idea what they're capable of. If I had brought her back, they'd have killed me, and God knows what would have happened to Ava. At least now, I know she's alive, she's breathing, and she's eating. She's safe as long as he believes she's his."

Elara's frustration began to boil over as he continued. He grasped Farah's shoulder firmly, locking eyes with her. "So, what would you have done in my place, Farah? Tell me, what would you have done?"

Farah struggled to respond. She was silenced by the harsh reality when she realised she didn't have an answer. She just looking at Elara's eyes. There was fear, there was anger and there was a love for his sister. She could see....she could see everything. Tears welled up in Farah's eyes as she came to terms with her own helplessness. She had questioned Elara's judgment without fully understanding the danger. 

"I deal with cases every day, cases of young women kidnapped, killed, or forced into the grim world of prostitution. It's not confined to our city; it happens all over the world. What could I have done if I'd received a case involving my own sister? Could I have lived with the guilt of not being able to protect her? As a brother? As a man who couldn't protect his sister? You know, when I met her before the wedding, she couldn't even meet my eyes. She was paralyzed by fear, Farah." 

Tears were coming from Farah's eyes. She was feeling so helpless now. She couldn't answer any of Elara's question. Elara left the kitchen. But before leaving he told, "I will save Ava from this mess, Farah. I'll save her. I'll save my daughter."