Chapter 19: Let's Make A Plan.

The last night had been cruel to Ava, her restless sleep disturbed by haunting visions of the man's bloody face. She had vomited repeatedly, unable to retain any food or drink. Ava didn't slept at Ibrahim's room, instead she slept in Aliya's room. She didn't have the courage to face Ibrahim. Aliya, her mother-in-law, had been by her side, caring for her throughout the night. Aliya had been her lifeline throughout the night, caring for her as she struggled with waves of nausea and fear.

The morning sun pierced through the curtains. And a cheerful ringtone started to play as the clock struck 9. The sudden noise jolted Ava awake. Her head was spinning from the sudden awake. 

Seating on the edge of the bed Ava was reading newspaper. She glanced at Ava and gently inquired, "You're awake?"

Ava, still feeling groggy and dizzy, responded, "Why didn't you wake me up? I have classes today."

Aliya folded the newspaper and answered, "You're not well today. Can't you skip today's classes?"

Ava pushed the blanket aside and said, "No, I have to go." She slowly got up from the bed.

Aliya insisted, "As you wish, but you'll have breakfast before heading to the university, understand?"

Ava nodded, and as she turned to leave the room, Aliya called her back, "Ava!"

Ava turned back to face Aliya. Aliya rose from her seat and came towards her, "Try to forget last night. The more you dwell on it, the more it will haunt you."

Ava gazed at Aliya, her eyes empty, as she processed the words. Aliya had some wrinkles in her face, signs of her age, but she still looked graceful in her 50s. She shared certain facial features with Ibrahim, like their similar noses and foreheads. 

Ava asked, "Is this the family's way? To eliminate anyone who crosses them?"

Aliya tenderly patted Ava's head, "It's not even a week after your marriage. You'll have to go far and bear witness to many things."

Alarmed by Aliya's words, Ava asked, "I can't tell if you're trying to frighten me or warn me."

Aliya again patted on her head, "You'll understand. Now go and freshen up. Breakfast will be served soon."

With that, Ava opened the door and left the room. She remembered her own mother. Ava didn't know but when Aliya patted on her head, she liked the gesture. Maybe she was missing her own mother.

Ava had quietly entered Ibrahim's room, glad to find it empty. She had to get ready for university. She missed her apartment so much. Here in another everything seemed out of place, and especially living with a man like Ibrahim.

She went straight to the closet. To her surprise, she noticed that the wardrobe now held more clothes in her size, neatly arranged. Moreover, her everyday essentials like a hairdryer, skincare products, and toiletries were all present, and they were the exact brands she used. Ava suspected that Aziza Aunty, the maid, had done this, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

Selecting a white top and black jeans, Ava went into the bathroom to take a shower. The room was filled with the sound of running water. Once she was done, she returned to the room. At that moment, Ava saw Ibrahim. He was standing near the window, dressed in his gym attire. His muscular physique was visible through the fabric. He was talking with someone on a call. Ava ignored him and sat before the dressing table. 

Ibrahim's dark eyes shifted to Ava as she entered, observing her drying her hair with a towel before switching to the hairdryer. With his call ended, he asked her, "Are you getting ready for university?"

She switched off the hairdryer and turned towards him, "Why? Won't you let me go?"

Ibrahim casually tossed his phone onto the bed and took some steps closer to Ava, "Why wouldn't I, my love?"

Ava resumed drying her hair. She tried to hurry as Ibrahim was standing behind her. She couldn't help but notice the intensity of his gaze on her.

Her long hair emitted a sweet scent, making Ibrahim's desire to touch it even more intense. He thought to himself, "God knows how long I've waited to make her mine."

Ava questioned, "What are you staring at?"

Ibrahim replied nonchalantly, "You. I'm watching you."

Ava didn't respond. She placed the hairdryer on the dressing table, ready to leave. However, Ibrahim stood in her path. She began, "I have to..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Ibrahim gently held her arm, his eyes reflecting genuine concern for her. "Are you alright? I'm sorry about last night," he said, his voice tinged with remorse.

Ava couldn't hide her surprise. Ibrahim was was saying sorry. "Sorry? To whom?" Ava asked. 

"I'm apologizing to you, Ava. What you had to witness last night... I heard you were vomiting throughout the night." Ibrahim replied. 

Ava looked at Ibrahim in disbelief, "I thought maybe you were apologizing to that man you beat up. But then again, expecting remorse from a mafia is a lost cause."

Ibrahim tightened his grip on her arms. In an instant his eyes were changed. He shook his head as no, "Ava, if I come across that man ten times, I'll beat him ten times. I won't allow any man near you. It's about protecting what's mine."

Ava tried to escape from his grip couldn't succeed, "Mr. Ibrahim, you call it love? But it's nothing more than an obsession."

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Ibrahim released his grip on Ava to see who it was. "Coming" he said. 

He opened the door and saw Aziza Aunty had arrived with their breakfast in food trolley.


As Ava prepared to leave for the university, Samir and Faisal had been enlisted to provide her transportation. She'd initially intended to book a regular cab, but Ibrahim had not allowed her. So, here they were, Samir at the wheel, Ava in the back, and Faisal beside Samir in the front.

 Ava couldn't help but feel annoying. She decided to speak up, breaking the awkward silence. "You know, this is a bit over the top, isn't it? Two guys escorting me to school like I'm some kind of VIP. Ibrahim is just ridiculously possessive; I can't even go anywhere by myself."

Samir grinned and replied, "Well, you are technically the 'First Lady' now. Plus, it's not every day we get to play chauffeur for you."

Faisal nodded in agreement, saying, "Exactly, and we're your loyal protectors. We're here to make sure nothing bad happens to you, Sister Ava."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Right, my 'loyal protectors.' What exactly are you saving me from? Rampaging squirrels?"

Samir chuckled at her humor and said, "You never know when a squirrel might go on a rampage."

"And in case a squirrel rebellion breaks out, Samir's our squirrel-whisperer." Faisal joined.

Ava leaned back in her seat, "You guys are something else." 

Faisal shrugged, "Well, we don't want to face Ibrahim's anger if anything happened to you."

Ava smiled, it was the first time she smiled after kidnapping maybe. She even forgot when she smiled last time, "You know, it's strange. I used to come to the university on my own, take public transport, and be just like everyone else. Now, it feels like my life is some kind of action movie." 

Faisal chuckled, "With you as the lead actress, of course."

The car pulled up to the university. She stepped out of the car, "Thanks for the ride."

Samir called out, "We'll be right here to pick you up when your classes are done."


Ava was surprised to see Farah attending the lecture with an unusual level of concentration. Farah usually dozed off during lectures or simply asking Ava for notes afterward. Ava wondered if Farah was genuinely interested in the lecture or Farah was ignoring her. As the lecture concluded, Ava leaned over to Farah and inquired, "Farah, you were unusually quiet today." 

Farah didn't respond verbally. Instead, she closed her notebook and typed something on her phone. Farah showed her phone to Ava - "Come to the roof without your phone and bag."

Farah quickly took her bag and went towards the exit, leaving Ava in confusion.

Once they went to the roof, Farah asked Ava, "So, how's married life treating you, Ava?"

Ava responded, "Farah, you brought me up here just to ask about that?" They were alone on the roof. 

Farah nodded and said, "Of course! You're my bestie. Spill the details about your boyfriend turned husband and how you two are enjoying your time together."

Ava sighed and replied, "Farah, it's so disgusting."

But Farah, feeling frustrated, suddenly pushed Ava. Ava wasn't prepared for the force of the shove, and she stumbled and fell to the ground. With scratches on her elbow, Ava looked up at Farah in disbelief, "Farah, what's gotten into you?"

Farah's anger was boiling, "Wasn't it disgusting to hide the fact that Ibrahim Rahman forced you into marriage? Wasn't it disgusting not to share the details about how he even entered your room one night? What about the bouquets, Ava? Weren't they from him? Why did you keep all of this a secret?"

Ava's mouth hung open, and she struggled to stand while nursing her scratched elbow. She looked at Farah in disbelief and finally asked, "You knew all that?"

Farah nodded firmly and questioned further, "Or not what? Even Elara knows too."

Ava couldn't hide her surprise as she stammered, "Elara too?"

Farah confirmed with a nod, "Now, tell me why you're so scared of Ibrahim."

Ava sighed and shook her head, still nursing her painful scratch. She got a really bad one. She explained, "Ibrahim told me that if I didn't marry him, he... he would kill Elara."

And this time, it was Farah, who was left in shock. She managed to gulp and asked, "Did you know from the start that Ibrahim is a criminal? Not just a criminal - a mafia?"

Ava nodded in no as response, "First I thought he's a wealthy businessman, proposing him. She later got to know his real face. But ... Why did you tell me to come without a phone? What's wrong with my phone?" 

Farah looked up at the sky, "They might be tracing your phone, or worse, Ibrahim Rahman could install software to listen to all your conversations."

Ava got surprised, "What?"

Farah took a deep breath and continued, "Ava, it's not just a matter of tracking your phone or installing software. These people have resources and connections we can't fathom. It's best to be cautious."

Ava was growing increasingly anxious. She asked, "So, what should I do? I don't have any privacy from that man....." 

Farah's eyes bore into Ava's as she asked, "Do you have any feelings for Ibrahim?" Ava shook her head vigorously, replying with a resounding "No."

Farah leaned in closer, her voice low and determined. "Ava, I know this is difficult, but what if we could gather enough information about Ibrahim and his gang to send them all to jail? What if you could help put an end to this criminal empire?"

Ava hesitated, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She didn't want to get involved any further inside Ibrahim's business. 

"I can't do it, Farah. I'm too scared, and I don't want to risk Elara's life," Ava whispered.

Farah's face softened, and she gently placed a hand on Ava's shoulder, "I understand your fear, Ava. But just think about it. With the right evidence, we can ensure your safety and Elara's. You don't have to face this alone. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Farah, you can't be serious. He's not just a criminal; he's a mafia boss. How can I possibly gather information on him?" Ava was still hesitant.

Farah replied, "We have to, Ava. We can't let this continue. I've done some research, and there are ways to discreetly find out more about him and his operations. You're in a unique position to do so. You're the only one who can get close enough to him to find it."

Ava looked conflicted, torn between her fear and her sense of justice but asked, "What do you have in mind?"