Chapter 21 : Elara's plan got flopped.

The rain continued to drizzle in the morning and the class came to an end. Students began to pack up their belongings and make their way out of the room.

Ava turned to Farah, "Let's go and eat something. I didn't even have a proper breakfast today."

Farah questioned, "Why?"

Ava sighed and explained, "Every day, I eat in the room. But today, Aliya insisted I have breakfast with them. However, while I was eating, Ibrahim just kept watching me."

Farah remarked, "From what I know from you, it seems Aliya is a good person. She doesn't behave like a typical mother-in-law."

Ava agreed, "Yes, Aliya doesn't act like a typical one. She actually takes care for me."

Farah inquired, "Are you feeling nervous about her movie date with Ibrahim?" 

Ava admitted, "Yes, maybe a little. I'm just regretting why I went to visit his office."

Farah encouraged her, "Take the chance, dear. The closer you get to him, the better we'll know about Ibrahim."

Ava mentioned, "I'm trying. By the way, is the bug working?"

Farah informed her, "I don't have access, but Elara said it's working."

Ava nodded.

Farah suggested, "Why don't Ava bring something for us? We can eat in class. I'm not in the mood to go anywhere, monthly periods, you know."

Ava agreed, "Yeah, yeah. I'll bring something for you." She grabbed her purse and left the class, heading towards the cafeteria. And Farah took this opportunity to install a tracing software in Ava's phone.


The dark evening sky loomed above as Ibrahim continued to drive the car. Ava was seated on the passenger side, the city lights fading behind them. Wearing his office suit, Ibrahim still managed to look handsome, his messy hair adding to his charm.

Ava saw they had come far from the city. Furrowing her eyebrows, Ava questioned, "Where are we going? Aren't we heading to the cinema hall?"

Ibrahim cast a quick glance at her and replied, "I never mentioned a cinema hall, did I?"

Ava was taken aback and said, "But you said we're going to watch a movie." 

Ibrahim revealed, "We are indeed going to watch a movie, but not in a cinema hall. We're heading to my guest house."

Ava felt a shiver down her spine and her voice trembled as she inquired, "Your guest house? You never tell that before."

Ibrahim sported a mischievous smirk and responded, "If I had told you earlier, you wouldn't have come, so I tried a different approach."

Ava's anxiety began to grow. What if Ibrahim tried to something with her? She voiced her fears, "Ibrahim, What if... What if you have something else in mind?"

Ibrahim chuckled and assured her, "Don't worry, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with." 

Ava turned towards the window and murmured, "You always say that, but whenever you see an opportunity, you don't hesitate to take it."

Ava thought Ibrahim would hear but Ibrahim already Heard. 

Ibrahim asked, "When have I ever done such things?"

Ava turned towards Ibrahim and began, " I mean, just yesterday when you were asking me out for the movie date, you were inches away from my face. And Even at night, when I'm sleeping on the sofa, I feel you watching me."

Ibrahim couldn't help but smile at her words. His focus is still on the road, "Well, what can I say? You never let me turn off the lights at night, and I can't sleep with the tube lights on. So, I watch you. You look so adorable and peaceful when you're asleep on the sofa."

Ava complained, "Adorable and peaceful? I can't believe you are calling me that. You flirts a lot." 

Ibrahim didn't deny it and asked, "With whom should I flirt if not with my wife?"

Ava's mouth fell open. How can this man flirt with her so casually?

The car came to a halt in front of Ibrahim's guest house. Ava looked at the two-story house. It was in blue and white colour and looking so luxurious. It was evident that no expense had been spared in its construction.

They both stepped out of the car, and Ibrahim inquired with the security guard, "Have Haroon's men arrived yet?"

The security guard replied, "Not yet, but they should be here soon."

Ibrahim nodded and instructed the guard, "Park the car inside."

Ava overheard their conversation and was curious. She asked, "Who is Haroon, and why are his men coming here?"

Ibrahim led Ava into the guest house's elegant hall. The interior was tastefully decorated with plush furnishings and stylish colorful decors. The guest house was so different from Ibrahim's room in the mansion which was decorated with dark colour furnitures.

Ibrahim explained, "Haroon is my business partner, and I have some work to complete today. He will be sending some of his men."

Ava inquired further, "What kind of work do you have?"

Ibrahim took a seat on the sofa, loosening his tie, and playfully remarked, "You're asking questions like a wife."

Ava was a bit taken aback but responded, "I was just curious."

Ibrahim continued with a smirk, "Someone has planted a bug in my office."

Ava turned her head to him, wide-eyed, as she hadn't expected him to discover it so quickly. 

She asked, "Do they know who did it?"

Ibrahim acted like he was thinking about the question and then replied, "Not yet, but whoever did it will face consequences."

Ava felt a lump in her throat, wondering if he knew that she was the one who planted the bug.

Ibrahim asked, "Why she is so nervous?" 

Ava tried to remain composed and replied, "I'm not."


In the dark of night, Elara and Michael, along with other members of the police team, were stationed in an inconspicuous car at a distance from Ibrahim's guest house. Their watchful eyes remained glued to the house, silently waiting for any signs of suspicious activity.

Michael turned to Elara and inquired, "Are you sure the information is accurate?"

Elara nodded firmly. "Yes, I heard it with my own ears, Michael."

Concern etched on his face, Michael asked, "Does Ava know about this?"

Elara's face darkened, and she whispered, "No, I couldn't bring myself to tell her. It would be too dangerous for her."

Their hushed conversation was interrupted when they noticed several men entering Ibrahim's guest house and heading toward the car park.

Elara acted swiftly, signaling to his team to fan out and encircle the guest house, minimizing the risk of escape for those involved in the illicit shipment. The police team moved with precision. As they closed in on the guest house, the scene became clearer. Men bustled about, hurriedly transferring crates and packages from one vehicle to another.

Taking the charge, Michael shouted, "Freeze!" 

The men who were in the midst of their illegal activities immediately stopped and raised their hands in surrender. They were now outnumbered and caught off guard by the sudden police presence. The security guard also got tensed. 

The police secured the men, ensuring they were disarmed and unable to pose a threat. Ibrahim and Ava came outside when they heard noises. Ava didn't know anything about this operation. When she saw Elara , she got more surprised. 

Ava asked, " Elara! What are you doing here?"

Elara looked at Ava and told, "You stay from this Ava. And you Ibrahim Rahman...." Elara looked at Ibrahim, "Your game has come to an end. You're under arrest for drug trafficking." 

Ibrahim looked at Elara calmly, "Officer, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been at my guest house from evening with my wife." 

Elara wasn't deterred. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. "We have evidence that links you to a significant drug operation. You won't get away with this."

Ava, standing beside Ibrahim, was taken aback by the situation. Are those Haroon's men? Was Ibrahim talking about this work? 

In the midst of the commotion, one of the police officers examining the seized goods made an unexpected discovery. Michael looked at his colleagues and said, "These aren't drugs. It's just a shipment of harmless goods."

Elara's confidence wavered for a moment. He went to Michael, "What are you saying? Check everything." 

One of their co-workers said, "Yes sir, We have checked everything."

Elara stepped back to collect his thoughts. Shit! He have fallen for Ibrahim's plan. It was Ibrahim's plan to embarrass in front of his colleagues. He looked at Ibrahim who was standing there with a smile in his face. Elara lost another chance to save Ava. 

Ibrahim addressed Elara. "Officer, it seems there's been a misunderstanding. These are not drugs. I'm involved in legitimate business activities, and my shipments are regularly inspected."

Ava looked at Ibrahim. How could he say those lies with straight face? Ava shook her head. She still couldn't understand anything what's happening. 

Elara felt a sense of frustration but couldn't do anything more without concrete evidence. He ordered his team to release the suspects. And one by one they all suspects were let go.

Elara clenched his fists in frustration. It was evident that Ibrahim had outsmarted them. His calm demeanor, even under these circumstances, further infuriated Elara. He felt like a pawn in Ibrahim's game, "Ibrahim, we may not have found enough evidence this time, but we'll be watching you closely. This isn't over."

Ibrahim simply smiled and nodded. "Of course, Officer. Feel free to stop by anytime. We have nothing to hide."