Chapter 22: A Kiss As A Punishment.

When all the police left, the security guard told Ibrahim, "All things are settled now, Sir. You both can go inside." 

Ibrahim nodded to him. But he was not looking calm. He already knew Ava had planted the bug. But Ava also had to face the consequences and he was determined to make her confess.

Ibrahim held Ava's arms tightly and dragged her inside the guest house. Ava winced in pain, "Ouch! You're hurting me."

Ignoring her pleas, Ibrahim led her to a room and locked the door behind them. He pinned Ava against the wall, making it clear that she wasn't going anywhere. She asked in fear, "What are you doing?"Her voice trembled slightly. Ava got caged by his arms. 

"Who gave you the bug to plant in my office?" Ibrahim asked. 

Ava furrowed her brows. She couldn't tell Farah's involvement. God knows what will he could do. She decided to deny any involvement, saying, "I didn't plant any bug."

Ibrahim's tone grew more serious as he threatened, "If you don't tell me who provided you with the bug, I'll find another way to make you talk."

She asked nervously, "What will you do now? Will you hurt me? You can beat me, but I won't tell."

Ibrahim clenched his jaw. How would even she think he could harm her. He lowered his gaze, his eyes falling on his lips. He again looked at her eyes and told, "I may be angry on my woman, but I would never lay a finger on my woman to hurt her."

Ibrahim decided to test the boundaries between them. He pulled Ava closer by her waist, and she instinctively leaned away. She tried her best maintain that necessary distance.

Ava's pulse quickened. Her eyes locked onto his, wary of what would happen next.

In a low, intimate voice, Ibrahim whispered, "I'll punish you in another way."

Without warning, he leaned in and kissed Ava. Ava was taken aback. His lips pressed against hers, and for a moment, she was too shocked to react.

It took a few seconds to process what was happening. His grip on her waist became more intense, making it difficult for her to break free. She tried to push him away, her hands pressing against his chest,. But the more Ava pushed, the more passionately Ibrahim kissed her.

Finally Ava gathered all her strength and pushed Ibrahim away. He took two steps back, surprised by her forceful response. He slightly open mouth to say something but Ava slapped Ibrahim across the face. He clenched his jaw in response to the stinging pain, his own surprise evident in his eyes.

"Why would you do this?" Ava demanded, her eyes were brimming with tears, "You said you wouldn't do anything, so why did you kiss me?"

Ibrahim attempted to console her, saying, "Ava, please, just listen..."

But Ava was not in a mood to understand or to listen. She was totally out of mind. She opened the door and moved to another one. She locked herself in. 

Ibrahim followed her, knocking on the door gently, "Ava, Open the door. Ava. Please, don't lock yourself in like this."

In the bathroom, Ava quickly turned on the faucet, allowing the cold water to flow. She started to wash her face and mouth to wash away any feelings of the kiss. She washed her face again and again. She tried to brush her lips with her trembled fingers, as if she was still feeling his lips on her.

Mixed with the running water, her tears continued to stream down her face. She couldn't bear to stay another minute in the same house with Ibrahim alone. This was the first time, she thought Rahman Mansion was far better than this home.

She pulled her phone from her jeans pocket, searching for someone to call.

Her fingers hovered over the contact list, and the first name she saw was Aliya Mother. Without hesitation, Ava dialed her number.

When Aliya answered the call, Ava spoke, "Please come here and take me with you."

Aliya was resting in her room. She sat on the bed and asked, "What's happened, dear? Isn't Ibrahim with you at the guest house? Are you alone?" 

Ava choked on her tears as she replied, "He's here, but...but please come quickly. I don't want to stay with him for another minute."

Aliya reassured her, "Alright, alright. Ava, calm down. I'm on my way. Just hold on for a few more minutes."

Ibrahim had been knocking persistently on the door for a while but Ava didn't respond. With each knock, he hoped that Ava would eventually open the door, granting him the chance to explain himself. He walked back and forth in front of the closed door. He couldn't shake the memory of her shocked expression. 

In the meantime his mother, Aliya arrived at the guest house. He didn't expect his mother to be here, "Mom, You're here?" 

Aliya explained calmly, "Ava called me to come and pick her up. What happened? Why was she crying?"

Ibrahim sighed. He couldn't bring himself to admit in front of his mother that he had forcefully kissed Ava, "We just had an argument."

Aliya asked, "Argument? Where's she." 

Ibrahim pointed towards the room where Ava had taken refuge. Aliya approached the door and gently tapped on it, "Ava, open the door, dear."

When Ava heard Aliya's voice he stood up from the floor but didn't open the door yet. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Is Ibrahim with you?"

Aliya exchanged a quick glance with Ibrahim, silently suggesting to hide. She assured Ava, "No, dear, he's not here. Open the door."

Relieved to hear that, Ava slowly opened the door and rushed into Aliya's comforting embrace. She needed someone in front of whom she could let her tears flow freely.

Aliya, surprised by the unexpected closeness from her daughter-in-law, was touched by Ava's trust. She reassured Ava, "Don't cry, dear. Let's go home."


The small, dimly lit room in the informant's house was tense. Elara seated on a wooden chair and the informant at the other. 

Elara questioned the informant, "We had everything meticulously planned, the information, the surveillance, everything! Now tell me, why did the plan change? What exactly happened?"

The informant was appearing nervous infront of Elara. Elara was not a person who got angry quickly. But when he got angry it could be dangerous. 

The informant lowered his gaze, "I'm sorry, Officer Elara. We had everything set up for today, just as we discussed—the shipment, the evidence... But it all took an unexpected turn at the very last moment. I received a call from my contact within the organization, and they informed me that today was just a 'dry run.' There were no actual drugs being shipped."

Elara clenched his fists in frustration, the veins on his forehead pulsating as he continued, "A dry run?" 

The informant pressed on, "It wasn't merely a change in plans. It was clear that Ibrahim came to know about the bug. He orchestrated this entire scheme to demonstrate that he's not someone to be trifled with."

Elara's anger was palpable as he slammed his hand down on the table, causing a loud thud to resonate in the small room. "This is beyond infuriating! He overtook us, and he knew about the bug? How did he even manage to find out?"

The informant responded, "I don't have the details on that, Officer. I just know that whatever you had listened from the bug were just Ibrahim's plan. He wanted to let you know everything." 

 Elara's brows furrowed, "I can't believe he's played us this way. I thought we had a golden opportunity. No. I can't involve Ava now. I can't put her in danger now."