Chapter 23: Did I get married to an old man

Six days had passed since the fateful evening when Ava and Ibrahim's world had been rocked by an unexpected kiss. Ibrahim had distanced himself from his home, almost as if it had ceased to exist. Office to Guest house and Guest house to office became his everyday routine. Days blurred into nights as he spent countless hours gazing at a picture of Ava. It was so hard for him to live away from Ava. He felt so guilty for kissing Ava without her permission.

On the other hand, Ava's life within The Rahman Mansion had been gradually adjusting to a normalcy. Her connection with Aliya and Samir had grown stronger, and their moments of togetherness brought her comfort. And Faisal's occasional visits added more warmth to her days.

It wasn't that Ava was trying to adapt to her new family but rather, she sought solace in their company. Whenever she was alone often led her thoughts to wander to the unwanted memory of the day Ibrahim had kissed her. She needed distractions to keep her mind from dwelling on those moments.

The evenings grew darker. And as Ibrahim was not coming nowadays, Ava was using the bed. Pages scattered around her, and in the center, she diligently worked on her assignments. She was busy with her assignment after coming back from university.

A knock on her door interrupted her focus. Ava said, "Come in."

Faisal entered, holding two cups of coffee, and inquired, "Hello, sister, are you busy?"

Ava glanced at Faisal and the coffee cups. She replied, "Hi, I'm just working on my assignment."

Faisal suggested, "Want to take a break, sister? Let's go to the roof. I've made coffee for both of us."

Ava agreed, nodding, "Okay, let's go."

They walked up to the roof together, carrying the cups of coffee. The gentle breeze on the roof played with Ava's long hair, causing it to sway gracefully as she stood near the railing, gazing at the night sky.

Farah sat on the chair and curiously asked, "Ava, do you like having long hair?"

Ava took a sip of her coffee and replied, "Yes, I do like long hair."

Faisal added, "Ibrahim likes your hair too."

Ava's attention shifted from the stars to Faisal as she heard those words. Startled, she said, "What? I'm planning to cut my hair tomorrow."

Faisal raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why would you do that?"

Ava sipped her coffee again before explaining, "I don't want to have anything that Ibrahim likes."

Faisal chuckled and said, "Dear Ava, I don't know what's happening between you and Ibrahim, but I'm pretty sure Ibrahim isn't coming home because he can't face you after his wrongdoings."

Faisal paused for a moment before continuing, "Ibrahim has gone through many tragedies. Please try to treat him nicely. He really cares about you. Accept him, Ava."

Ava, deep in thought, asked Faisal a personal question, "Do you have any sister?"

Faisal replied, "Yes, I do."

Ava continued, "What if the same thing happened to your sister? What would you do?"

Faisal clenched his jaw and muttered, "I'd kill the person who dared to lay a finger on my sister."

Ava smiled and stated, "Well, I'm Elara's sister too. Why are you telling me to accept Ibrahim? How can I accept the man as my husband who kidnapped me and forcefully married me?"

Ava probed further, "What if something like this happened to your sister? What would you do?"

Faisal clenched his jaw and murmured, "I'd kill the person who laid a finger on my sister."

Ava didn't say anything. She didn't have to clear her position further. 

Faisal said, "I told Ibrahim to think before act, but Ibrahim never listens to anyone."

Ava chose not to dwell on the heavy topic. She acknowledged the reality that she would have to remain with Ibrahim as his wife as for now. She would deal with him later. 

Finishing her coffee, she decided to shift the conversation in a different direction. She looked at Faisal and asked, "How old are you?"

Faisal chuckled at her curiosity and pointed to himself, replying, "Me? I'm 32."

Ava nodded and said, "You don't look that old. I thought you are maybe around 28 or 29."

Faisal laughed and retorted, "No, dear Ava, I'm not that young."

Curious about Ibrahim's age, Ava inquired, "What about Ibrahim?"

Faisal sipped his coffee before sharing, "He's 35."

Ava couldn't contain her shock any longer. Her eyes widened and she almost dropped her coffee cup, "What? 35? Oh my God, did I get married to an old man?" 

Faisal burst into laughter and confirmed, "Yes, there's a big age gap between you two."

Ava got lost in thought. She mumbled, "I never thought he'd be that old. He doesn't look that old either." Her eyes remained locked on the distant stars as if the stars were reading what was going in her mind.

Faisal chuckled again, then he remembered something. He hadn't seen any purchase details for Ava in the credit card Ibrahim had given her. So he asked, "Ava, aren't you using the credit card that Ibrahim gave you?"

Ava pondered for a moment, and then said, "Ibrahim's credit card? I don't know, but... Wait a minute, there are still some things in the closet which I haven't opened, maybe the card is there." 

Faisal curiously asked, "Why aren't you using it? And how are you managing all your expenses?"

Ava sighed loudly and replied, "I may be a student, but I have my own money. I earn money by selling paintings in my university's monthly art exhibition."

Faisal shook his head as no, "You should use the card. If Ibrahim finds out, he'll be so angry."

Their conversation was interrupted when a voice cut in, "What did you say, baby girl? Who cares?"

Both quickly turned towards the voice and saw Ibrahim standing near the door on the Faisal stood up from chair, " Ibrahim! Finally You come Home." 

On the other hand Ava was feeling uneasy. She was fine when she didn't see Ibrahim. But now she got tensed. She mumbled to Faisal, not to leave her alone with Ibrahim. However, Faisal didn't hear her plea, as he had already gone to greet his friend.

Ava saw Faisal excused himself and retreated downstairs. Ava found herself alone with the Ibrahim. The moonlight illuminated Ibrahim's white t-shirt, casting a faint glow on his face, making it difficult for Ava to read his expression.

Ibrahim began to approach her, and Ava felt herself trembling. Her nerves were frazzled, the memory of the day when he had forcibly kissed her fresh in her mind. Ava raised the coffee mug in her hand, as if she were prepared to throw it if he didn't stop, "Don't come closer, Ibrahim." Her eyes were filled with fear like she might burst into tears at any moment. 

Taking an unexpected turn, Ibrahim knelt down before her, humility etched into his features. He spoke the words that Ava never thought she'd hear from the notorious her mafia husband. "I'm sorry," he confessed. "I'm really sorry for that day. I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission."

The apology took Ava by surprise. Her eyes remained locked on Ibrahim, and slowly, she lowered the coffee mug. It was hard for her to believe that the formidable figure she had married was uttering these words of remorse.

Ibrahim continued to speak, "I was really angry that day. If you want to know about my business, you can simply ask me. I'll tell you everything. I didn't appreciate what you did by placing a bug in my office."

Ava was taken aback by this sudden outpouring of sincerity. She tried to process what was happening. Ibrahim waited for her response. But she was conflicted not sure of how to react. She stammered, "I... I will send you to jail, Ibrahim Rahman. I'll make sure you pay for your crimes."

Ibrahim's lips curled into a faint, "I'm willing to go anywhere, even to jail, if you promise to visit me every day."

Ava was taken aback by his unexpected request, "What? You want me to visit you in jail every day?"

Ibrahim slowly rose from his kneeling position, "It's not easy to send me to jail, but if by any chance you manage to do so, you'll have to come visit me every day, my dear."

"Of course," Ava nodded "I'll come every day. I'd love to see you behind bars."

Ibrahim shrugged his shoulders and conceded, "As you wish, but please forgive me for the kiss."

Ava mumbled her forgiveness, saying, "I'll forgive you this time, but if you ever do something like that again, I won't be so forgiving."

Ibrahim playfully retorted, "The future remains uncertain, but if I do decide to steal another kiss, rest assured I'll be quick to ask for your forgiveness again."

With a sly wink, he turned to make his exit, leaving Ava dumbfounded. She couldn't believe the courage of the man. Her frustration and disbelief bubbled over, "Shameless man!"

She flung the empty coffee mug at him. The mug struck Ibrahim's back before clattering to the floor.