Chapter 24: Not Telling her About Her Scholarship.

The room filled with the sound running water from bathroom. Ibrahim was talking late night shower. Ava was in the room sitting on the sofa, her phone in her hand, scrolling aimlessly. She couldn't help but reminisce about the nights she'd spent peacefully in their bed when Ibrahim didn't return home. Now, once again, she has to sleep on the sofa. 

Then, a notification chimed on her phone. It was a message about a payment received. A smile gradually crept onto Ava's face. It was her brother Elara. He 

sent half of his salary to Ava, just as he had done before her marriage. 

Ava immediately dialed Elara's number. She last met Elara when he came with other police officer in in the guest house. 

"Brother?" Ava greeted him as he answered the call.

Elara's voice held a hint of affection as he responded, "So, Ava misses her brother."

Ava looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought, and inquired, "How are you?" She didn't know how to start a conversation with her own brother. 

Elara assured her, "I'm alright. How about you? Is everything alright there?"

They engaged in conversation. In the meantime, Ibrahim had finished his shower and emerged from the bathroom. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. His wet skin glistened under the room's soft lighting, highlighting his well-defined muscles and strong physique.

Ava paused for a moment while talking. She was taken aback by the sight of half-naked Ibrahim. His well-defined abs, muscular physique, and wet hair made quite the captivating sight. Ibrahim was also aware of his affect on her. A smile formed in Ibrahim's face. He came in front of the mirror and started to comb his hair. 

Ava stood up from the sofa, went to the balcony to talk, and leaned on the railing. She knew Ibrahim was trying to manipulate her by flaunting his physique, and she wasn't going to let him succeed.

Ibrahim stood shirtless in front of the bathroom mirror, examining the red mark on his back left by the coffee mug that Ava had thrown at him. The small area was now a reddish bruise. 

Having just ended her call with Elara, Ava entered from the balcony and took a seat on the sofa. She watched as Ibrahim struggled to apply balm to his wound. She had never expected that her action would lead to this. She asked, "Do you need any help?"

Ibrahim turned to face Ava, "You want to help? Well, why not?"

Ibrahim moved closer and sat down beside Ava on the sofa. He was still only wearing his boxer shorts. He handed the balm to Ava.

Ava took it from him and gently started applying it to his wound. But when her fingers touched the sensitive bruise. 

Ibrahim suddenly winched in pain even Ava was taken aback. Ava told, "You are overreacting, I know you are just acting." 

Ibrahim chuckled softly, "I like it when you get angry."

Ava issued a warning, "Don't provoke me. If I get angry, no one can control me. I've applied the balm; now, go to bed. I need to sleep."

Ibrahim stood up and gazed at Ava. He was is different mood, "There's something I wanted to tell you. It's about the beauty mark on your back near your waist. It's so beautiful."

And Ava's mouth fell open. She was always careful to dress modestly, not wanting to reveal even a hint of her skin. She gulped and asked, "How did you know about the mark on my back?"

Ibrahim spoke confidently, "I have my ways," and sat on the edge of the bed. A playful smile formed in his face, "I even know your body measurements - your bust is 34, waist 32, and hips 36."

He just wanted to toy with Ava to see how much she could he handle. 

Ava was both surprised and angered at the same time. Her face turned crimson, "How on earth do you know all that?"

Ibrahim simply smirked, "I can scan your body with my eyes, even when you're fully clothed."

Ava couldn't let his comment slide. She stood up and marched toward where Ibrahim sat on the bed. Anger was burning in her eyes.

Ava warned him before doing anything, "This time you'll get killed by me."

She snatched a nearby pillow and began beating him with it, "You shameless man! How can you dare to look at me in such a way?" Each swing of the pillow was laden with annoyance. 

Ava's frustration had clearly gotten the better of her, but Ibrahim was enjoying every moment of it. But now he had to take actions. He easily caught the pillow in mid-air. He tossed it aside, "Enough, baby girl, enough."

Once the pillow assault was over, Ava expected their fight to end. With a disgruntled "Huh," Ava started walking back toward the sofa. However, Ibrahim blocked her path. Ava sighed, her anger far from gone. She crossed her arms and asked, "Now what?"

Ibrahim simply responded, "My turn," and with that, he pushed Ava, causing her to fall in the bed. She tried to get up, but Ibrahim loomed over her, causing her to question, "What the hell are you trying to do?

Ibrahim silenced Ava with a soft "Ssssshhhhh," and she stopped speaking immediately. Her hands were held tightly by him, and their faces were inches apart. Ava's rapid heartbeat was audible, and she could feel his warm breath against her skin. Her eyes pleaded with him, silently urging, "Please, don't do this. Don't do something we'll regret."

Ibrahim spoke in a low, intense tone, "Do you know how much I love you? Do you realize how badly I want you? Do you understand how hard it is for me to control myself around you? But, Ava....I won't be the 'good guy' forever. I'll give you some time. Just because I'm holding back, it doesn't mean we'll never get close."

Ava's heart raced even faster, as if it might burst at any moment. Her entire body was trembling, and she found it challenging to maintain her composure. 

Unexpectedly, Ibrahim released Ava's hands and her a path. She quickly stood up from the bed. She looked at Ibrahim and told,"I will never sacrifice myself for your lust." 

Ibrahim clenched his jaw as he saw Ava went to bathroom and locked the door.


The morning sun painted the University Cafeteria with a warm and golden glow. Mia was waiting for Ava in the university cafeteria. She wore a lovely yellow dress, and her simple yet luxurious attire hinted at her life as a politician's wife. Ava's class was due to finish at 1 pm, and Mia, while sipping her juice, kept checking her watch.

Finally, she saw Ava heading her way. Mia waved to catch her attention among the other students in the cafeteria.

Ava joined Mia at her table and greeted her, "How are you, Senior? You haven't even messaged me since your marriage." She placed her backpack on another chair and took a seat across from Mia.

Mia, removing her sunglasses, quipped, "You too, Junior. You forgot about me after getting married. And you didn't even tell me about your relationship with Ibrahim. All of a sudden, you both got married, and no one was invited. It happened so fast."

Ava couldn't help but chuckle; this question had become a familiar refrain from her classmates too. She replied, "Yes, everything did happen rather quickly."

Mia observed Ava closely. There was a noticeable change in her appearance. Mia gently held Ava's hand and asked, "Is there something wrong, Ava? You seem thinner than before. Are you facing any issues?

Ava offered a weak shake of her head and replied, "No, just some academic pressure in my final year of graduation, that's all." She didn't want to burden Mia with the truth about how her life was going. 

Mia nodded understandingly, letting the matter rest for the time being. She didn't press further, sensing that perhaps there were troubles Ava was keeping to herself.

Changing the topic, Mia beamed with excitement, her eyes sparkling as she shared her news, "By the way, I have some wonderful news to share. I'm pregnant."

Ava's face lit up with joy. She exclaimed, "Wow, Senior! I'm genuinely happy for you. May God bless you and your family. This is wonderful news, and I'm thrilled for you."

Mia beamed at Ava's warm response and, with a touch of urgency, asked, "Thank you, dear. I appreciate your kind words. But I have a doctor's appointment. And Amir is busy. Would you be able to accompany me?"

Ava took a moment to think and then nodded, "Of course, no problem. Let me quickly send a message to Ibrahim, letting him know that I'll be going with you."

Mia nodded in approval, saying, "Sure, take your time."


Ibrahim stood leaning against the railing of roof. He held his cigarette between his fingers as he stared out at the city's skyline. He took a long drag and exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air, the tendrils swirling and disappearing into the sky. 

As he inhaled the nicotine, a figure approached from behind. Ibrahim turned his head slightly, "What brings you here, Faisal?" 

 Faisal stepped closer and told, "I've got some news about Ava."

Ibrahim's gaze sharpened, "What news, Faisal?" 

Faisal paused before continuing. "I just received some information from our sources within Ava's university. Th university is offering her a scholarship to complete her final year of graduation at Manchester University. It's a significant opportunity for her."

Ibrahim's grip tightened on the cigarette, his knuckles turning white as the news hit him like a sledgehammer. He exhaled a slow plume of smoke and finally spoke, "How much?"

"It's a full scholarship, Boss. They're covering her tuition, living expenses, everything." Faisal replied. Faisal thought Ibrahim would be happy for Ava. 

Ibrahim couldn't bear the thought of Ava being so distant. "Has she been informed?" 

Faisal shook his head. "No, not yet. But they plan to contact her soon."

Ibrahim stubbed out his cigarette. His jaw clenched. He was already disturbed for how he behaved with Ava last night. He was trying to make their relationship better but everything was going in opposite flow, "Faisal, You need to make sure they don't contact Ava."

Faisal's eyes widened in surprise. "But, Ibrahim, this is a great opportunity for her. Talk with Ava first before taking any decision."

"You know, Faisal," Ibrahim began, "I can't bear the thought of being away from her. She's my lifeline, the reason I've found any semblance of peace in this chaos." 

Faisal sighed then took a deep breath, "It's a chance to complete her education, to have a bright future. Ibrahim. Think once again." 

Ibrahim turned to Faisal, "She doesn't need it any bright future, Faisal. She has me. She won't go to anywhere."

Faisal couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Ava, "But what if she wants to, Ibrahim? What if she wants to take this opportunity?"

Ibrahim's gaze darkened, and he uttered words that came from the depths of his heart. "She won't want to, Faisal. She can't want to. I won't let her go, not now, not ever. She means too much to me. I can't live without her. Do you understand?"