Chapter 31 : Hallucination.

Ava stared at the balcony, lost in her thoughts, when she noticed a figure entering. Her heart raced as she approached the balcony cautiously, and to her astonishment, it was Ibrahim.

The déjà vu struck her as strange and unsettling. When she met Ibrahim for the first time, he secretly came in her room through balcony. And the history repeated today too. 

When Ava first saw Ibrahim, she really found Ibrahim so handsome. Though he was a bit mature for her, but yes, she found him handsome and beautiful. Beautiful in a way, that She couldn't describe. 

And today too. And again history got repeated. It was the second time Ava found him handsome, a realization that caught her off guard. 

Tonight, the room's lights reflected on Ibrahim's face, his hair ruffled by the gentle wind. The only difference was this time, he was wearing shirt and jeans. Though Ava couldn't see clearly the colour of his cloth in the dim lights. But it wasn't important for her at that time. She was unable to look away from his face and his smile. Ibrahim only smiled infront of her like this. Whenever he saw Ava, a different type of smile formed in his face. 

 Ava, lost in the play of shadows and light, found herself captivated by his presence. But Was there any feelings for Ibrahim? Maybe not till now.

Ava came in reality, "Why are you here?"

"I called you 2 times, but you didn't pick up. So I came to check you." Ibrahim explained casually.

Ava retorted, "Couldn't you have used the main door like a normal person?"

Ibrahim shrugged, "Just wanted to see you. Didn't feel like facing Elara."

Ibrahim moved past Ava towards the her room. Ava was a bit annoyed but curious too. She followed him, "Where are you going?"

Ibrahim stepped into Ava's room, his eyes scanning the room carefully. 

"What are you going to do by coming here?" Ava questioned again.

Ibrahim switched on the tube light and looked at Ava, "I'm getting some inspiration for decorating our new room."

Ava furrowed her brows, "Decorating a new room was okay, but inspiration? What kind of inspiration do you need?"

Ibrahim seemed to dodge the question, his attention drawn to the paintings hanging on the walls. "Did you paint these?" he inquired. 

Ava sighed, "Yes, I did."

 Ibrahim remarked, "They are beautiful. I think I'll take a few."

Ava was taken aback. She quickly approached him and asked, "What? Did you come here at this hour just to take my paintings?"

Ibrahim chuckled, "Not really. I came here to see you, but these paintings caught my attention."

His eyes gleamed with playful mischief.

Ava crossed her arms. Her body language was defensive, "Well, these paintings are off-limits. I'm not handing them over to you."

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow, "Come on, they would look great in our new room."

Ava shook her head, "No way, Ibrahim. Find your own decorations."

Ibrahim walked towards a particular painting that had caught his eye. Ava stepped in his way, "No way. They're mine. They mean something to me." 

But Ibrahim was enjoying this game. He pointed to a smaller painting, "How about this one? Just one."

Ava said, "No means no."

Ibrahim smirked and took a step closer, "I'm not leaving without at least one. Pick your favorite."

Ava huffed, "They're not for decoration; they're personal. I won't let you take them."

Ibrahim persisted, "Ava, we're married. What's yours is mine, right?"

Ava glared at him. "These paintings are mine, and they stay that way."

Undeterred by Ava's protective stance on her paintings, Ibrahim flashed a charming grin. "Fine, if you won't give me any of these, why not paint one for me? A special, custom piece."

Ava raised an eyebrow. She was considering the proposal. "Well, if you want my art, it won't be for free. I'll need payment."

Ibrahim feigned surprise, "Payment? For a painting from my own wife?"

Ava scoffed, "I don't use your money for my living, Mr. Husband. You know that. I earn by selling my paintings. If you want something from me, you have to pay."

Ibrahim chuckled. He was enjoying Ava's this side. "Alright, businesswoman. What's your price?"

Ava grinned, "Let's see, for a custom painting, it'll cost you... five thousand."

Ibrahim laughed, "Five thousand? Are you painting with gold?"

Ava smirked, "My art is priceless. Take it or leave it."

Ibrahim pretended to think for a moment. Then he sighed dramatically, "Fine, deal. But I'll pay in installments." 

Ava shook her head, "Nope, upfront payment. Cash only. A wealthy mafia is dealing with his wife. It's not good thing." 

Ibrahim faked reluctance, "You drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Lim."

Ava winked, "That's why you married me, right? Now, hand over the cash, and you'll get your exclusive Ava Lim original."

Ibrahim didn't respond. He was liking the fact that this was the first time after marriage, Ava was talking with him so freely. But little did he know, his happiness was only for some moments. 

When Ava realized she was talking to him far too freely, she took a step back. Clearing her throat, she told, "I think it's time for you to go now." 

Leaning against the wall, Ibrahim has other plans, "Go? So early? I didn't come here just to leave."

Ava raised an eyebrow, "Well, I didn't invite you."

Ibrahim grinned, "Yet here I am. It's getting late, isn't it? Let's... sleep together."

Ava's eyes narrowed. She came back with her old form. "Ibrahim Rahman, I talk to you in a good manner, and suddenly you think you can cross all boundaries? Don't forget our condition. You can't touch me, Ibrahim, and you won't."

Ibrahim feigned innocence. He placed his hand on his chest as if his heart was aching. "Touch you? Ava, I'm offended. I was just suggesting sharing a bed for sleep. Nothing more, nothing less."

Ava crossed her arms. She was unamused. "Don't play games, Ibrahim. I know you too well."

Ibrahim chuckled, "You're no fun. Fine. I'm not going flirt with you again. But Did you see the full moon tonight?"

Ava shook her head, replying, "No, I didn't."

Ibrahim took a step closer and reached for her hand. As his fingers intertwined with hers, Ava felt an unexpected electric shock, a jolt that made her heart skip a beat. He led her towards the balcony, the night breeze playing with her hair.

Ibrahim remarked, "Look at that, Ava. It's like a silent companion in the night sky."

Ava's eyes followed his gesture, and there it was – the moon. It casted a glow all over the neighborhood. And the moon's ethereal beauty reflected in her eyes. For a moment, she forgot the tensions between them. She forgot that the mafia who kidnapped her and forced to marry was holding her hand. She was lost in the tranquility of the moment. 

Ibrahim continued, "You know, my grandmother used to say that the moon holds stories of lovers. It watches over them, silent witness to their joys and sorrows."

Ava looked at Ibrahim. She didn't respond just heard Ibrahim's words. 

Then Ibrahim looked at Ava. Their eyes met, "Maybe one day, we'll have our story too, written in the moonlight."

Then Ava realised, she was holding back her breathe. She quickly looked at other side and withdrew her hand.

Ibrahim noticed Ava's hesitance. He leaned on the railings and looked at Ava. "Close your eyes, Ava. Imagine a world where everything is serene, where there are no struggles, just peace."

Ava frowned. 

Ibrahim told, "Just do as I say."

Though Ava was curious with Ibrahim's words. She closed her eyes. 

Ibrahim continued, his voice like a melody, "Now, imagine a garden bathed in moonlight. Picture each flower, each petal, blooming with the glow of the moon."

Ava's mind reluctantly followed his instructions. The darkness behind her closed eyelids transformed into a dreamscape of moonlit flora.

Ava heard Ibrahim's voice, "In this garden, there's a pathway leading to a small pond. Can you see the moon's reflection in the calm water?"

Ava nodded subtly, her imagination sculpting the details of the envisioned scene.

"Now," Ibrahim whispered, "take a step towards the pond. Feel the cool grass beneath your feet. Let the moonlight embrace you."

Ava immersed herself in the illusion. She forgot the reality for a moment. It was like was living in that world. 

"Look into the pond," Ibrahim continued. "What do you see?"

Ava hesitated before answering, "I see... a reflection. A reflection of the moon, clear and undisturbed."

"Now." Ava again heard Ibrahim's voice, "Imagine someone beside you." 

And Ava really saw there was a man beside him. The gentle night breeze played with strands of Ava's hair. 

Ibrahim got that he had his effect on her. He seized the opportunity. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Ava's forehead. The touch was tender, a whisper of warmth against her skin. 

Ava needed a moment whether she felt the kiss was in reality or it was just her imagination..... No, it was not her imagination. It was real. It was a moment that blurred the lines between imagination and reality. 

Ava opened her eyes, just to find Ibrahim missing from the balcony. She looked around but there was no one. Confusion mixed with annoyance washed over her features as she realized he had played a prank on her.

She peered down from the balcony. There, she saw Ibrahim slipping down with the help of the pipe. When he reached the ground, he looked up at Ava and winked mischievously. 

"Uff, this man," she muttered to herself. She clenched her fists. "What am I going to do with this man?"