Chapter 32 : An Apology From A Bad Boy, Adam.

In the heart of Kuala Lumpur, hidden amidst the urban decay, Elara and his informant gathered in the inside the abandoned house. The creaking floorboards and whispering winds outside contributed to the eerie atmosphere. The only source of light was the flashlight of Elara's phone. 

Elara asked, "What's the latest on Ibrahim's drug trafficking?

"Boss, they've embarked upon a new route," the informant revealed, "The shipments are disguised as routine cargo, slipping past customs with ease."

Elara's expression darkened. "Which port? And where are these shipments ending up?"

The informant told, "Port Klang. The goods are being distributed to various locations, but a significant chunk is heading to Penang, hidden amidst legitimate cargo."

Elara's keen eyes focused on the map the informant spread out on a dusty table, tracing imaginary routes and connections.

"Port Klang," Elara muttered. His mind worked quickly, processing the implications. "Who are the contacts in customs? Do we have any names?"

The informant shook his head. "No names, boss. They're keeping that information tight. But I heard they have connections high up, even within our own ranks."

Elara gritted his teeth. "Ibrahim's influence runs deep. We need to find a way to know these connections. I want to catch him red handed. I need to expose every link in his corrupt chain."

The informant nodded. "I'll keep my ears open, boss. Anything I find out, you'll be the first to know."

But as the informant tried to leave, Elara told, "I need something more." 

The informant stopped in his path, "Yes, Tell me." 

"Can you make a fake passport?" Elara whispered. 

"Boss, that's a risky game," the informant replied, glancing over his shoulder nervously. "Fake passports, especially these days... it's a whole different level."

Leaning in closer, Elara's voice dropped to a low murmur, "Name your price. It's not just about the money; it's about freeing someone from a trap. A loved one."

The informant thought for a moment. But Everyone has a greed of money. "It's not just about the money, boss. It's the risk. If we get caught..."

Elara cut him off, "You'll be compensated well. But I need it fast. No room for mistakes."

The informant sighed, swayed by the allure of the offered reward. "Alright, boss. I can do it. Give me three days. I need a clean photo, details for the passport, and, of course, the money."

Nodding with a sense of relief, Elara agreed, "You'll get everything you need. Make it untraceable, and no slip-ups."


Ava made her way down the university corridor, She took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the mounting stress of impending exams.

Turning into the next hallway, Ava was met with the sight of Adam, the infamous bad boy of the university. He proposed Ava numerous times, only to get rejected. Leaning effortlessly against the His eyes lit up with a mischievous spark as he caught sight of Ava.

"Well, well, Ava. Fate must be on my side today," Adam remarked, pushing himself off the wall and stepping into her path, effectively blocking her way forward.

Ava's expression hardened. A subtle sigh escaping her lips, "Adam, not now. I've got classes to attend."

Adam chuckled. But Ava found his tone so disgusting. "Classes can wait, can't they? How about a coffee break with me?"

Ava attempted to sidestep him, but Adam moved, blocking her again. A flirtatious grin playing on his lips. "What's the rush, Ava? A quick coffee won't hurt."

Ava was visibly annoyed. She shot a stern look. "Adam, we've been through this. I'm not interested. Please move."

However, Adam took a bold move. Adam leaned in, attempting to touch Ava's hand. "Just one date, Ava. You won't regret it."

Ava quickly pull her hand away. She got more frustrated, "I'm married, Adam. Respect that."

Adam's eyes widened momentarily, registering surprise. "Married? Since when? Who's the lucky guy?"

Ava shot back, "Ibrahim Rahman."

But Adam was unfamiliar by Ibrahim's reputation. Adam chuckled, "Never heard of him. But hey, I don't mind being your little secret."

"Last chance, Adam. Don't push it." Ava warned him....for the last time. 

But Adam took a step closer to Ava. And "Come on, Ava. You know I'm irresistible. Let me add a little bit excitement in your life."

Fed up, Ava snapped, "You're insufferable," and delivered a resounding slap across Adam's cheek. And the corridor momentarily hushed as the sharp sound reverberated through the space.

 It caught the attention of the crowd. And Ava made her way to towards her class. And, Adam stood there, nursing his stinging cheek.


The university cafeteria buzzed with the typical energy of students enjoying their break. Ava and Farah were seated at a corner table. They were talking and enjoying some snacks and soft drinks.

In the midst of their discussion, a sudden hush fell over the cafeteria as Adam was approaching towards their table. Ava's initial tension was palpable. She thought, Adam again came to harras her. She told Farah, "Look, Adam is coming towards us." 

Farah turned. Her mouth was full with fries. However, much to their surprise, Adam took an unexpected turn. Rather than causing a scene, he approached with sincerity.

Adam dropped to his knee before Ava in front of the entire cafeteria. He touched Ava's feet as an apology. This dramatic gesture that caught the entire cafeteria's gaze. 

"Forgive me, Ava," Adam implored. 

 "Wh...what on earth are you doing, Adam?" Ava stammered. She got really surprised.

 "I've been reckless and disrespectful. I shouldn't have bothered you. I genuinely feel sorry for my behavior. Please forgive me. It's time for me to change. Starting with an apology." Adam look at Ava and told. 

The cafeteria buzzed with murmurs and whispers as students exchanged perplexed glances. Farah attempted to make sense of the situation. She whispered to Ava, "Did he hit his head or something?"

Ava looked at Farah. She didn't know what to say. She knew Adam from the her first year in University. And the sudden change of him was not something to digest easily. She nervously glanced around. Some students were laughing, some were gossiping and some were recording the peculiar incident on their phones. Adam on knees were a highlight of the day. 

Ava told, "Adam, get up. This is not the place for such drama."

"I won't get up until you forgive me, Ava. I need you to know I'm serious about changing," Adam declared, still maintaining his position on the cafeteria floor.

Ava sighed. She nodded reluctantly, "Fine, get up. I forgive you.

Adam rose to his feet, "Thank you, Ava."

Ava felt a momentary relief. The cafeteria was still abuzz with gossip and whispers as they witnessed Adam's departure from the cafeteria.

She sighed when Adam left. Leaning on the chair, she attempted to regain her composure by lightly tapping her temple, a subconscious effort to shake off the lingering bewilderment. 

Farah whispered, "This is unbelievable."

Ava, running her hands through her hair, replied in agreement, "Seriously."

However, a new source of concern emerged. The constant buzzing of their phones drew their attention. Both Ava and Farah looked down to their phone on the table to find a barrage of message notifications.

The recorded videos of Adam's unexpected apology and Ava's bewildered reaction were making rounds on social media, spreading like wildfire - From Acebook to Pinstagram, even in groupchats. Ava's relief quickly changed into distress. 

"I can't believe this is happening so soon," Ava muttered. Her mood was visibly dampened.

Farah decided to ease Ava's mood, "Don't worry, Ava. I'll handle this. You know my skills, right?"

Ava nodded gratefully. "Please, Farah, delete all those videos. I don't want to be the center of gossip. It's already hard enough."

Farah held Ava's hand reassuringly and said, "Don't worry. Before night, all videos will be gone."

Ava nodded in acknowledgment. She decided to switch off her mobile data, hoping to shield herself from the constant influx of messages. Closing her eyes momentarily, she tried to lessen the throbbing headache that had begun to set in.

But a sudden realisation struck Ava. Internally, she cursed herself for momentarily forgetting that she had a husband, a mafia no less. "Shit... Shit," she muttered under her breath.

Ava informed Farah, "I'm leaving."

Farah confusingly asked, "Why are you leaving so soon?" 

Ava, not disclosing the internal turmoil she felt, simply grabbed her backpack and phone before making her way out of the cafeteria. She headed toward the main campus gate where the driver, arranged by Ibrahim, waited for her every day.