Chapter 34 : A Painful Punishment.

Ava couldn't contain her excitement as she pulled out the small packet from her backpack. The mischievous glint in her eyes hinted at a plan. "I brought something for you. Mr. Rahman." 

Ibrahim raised his eyebrow, "What is it, baby girl?"

Ava revealed the hair removal wax strips from the small bags. Though Ibrahim was unfamiliar with the beauty product, "Is this some new skincare trend?" 

Ava seized the opportunity, "Oh, it's the latest beauty secret. Extend your hand; I'll show you." She now told in serious manner that Ibrahim couldn't catch her. 

Trusting Ava's every move, Ibrahim extended his hand. He really thought it was a kind of cream which came in these strips for emergency uses. Ava applied the wax strip to his hand, giving him a false sense of comfort. 

As she pressed down the strip, she looked at Ibrahim and said, "This is a magical cream. It'll make your hand super smooth."

Ibrahim, blissfully ignorant, replied, "Well, I've never said no to smooth hands."

She maintained an air of innocence, hiding her amusement as she prepared for the grand reveal. Suddenly, she yanked the strip off, not sparing any mercy, leaving Ibrahim's hand not only hairless but also in considerable pain.

The sensation hit him like a shockwave, and his reaction was nothing short of theatrical.

"AHHH! What in the world is that?" Ibrahim yelped. His pain-filled outburst echoed in the room. 

And Ava couldn't contain her laughter. "Surprise, surprise, Mr. Rahman! That's what you get for your little surprise last night."

He clutched his now hairless hand, eyes wide with disbelief "What in the world was that? It felt like... like taking a bullet!"

Seeing Ibrahim in pain, Ava was really enjoying, "Oh no, Mr. Rahman, we can't have one hairy arm and one hairless arm. It won't look good. Now, give me the other hand."

Ibrahim was still recovering from the shock of the first wax strip. He "No more of that torture, Ava. One hair removal session is more than enough for today."He was still nursing his hand. 

Ava tilted her head, pretending to consider it. But then shook it dramatically, "Oh no, Mr. Rahman, we need both arms to match. This is your punishment." 

Ibrahim sighed in defeat, muttering under his breath, "Never thought I'd be tortured like this." 

As Ava prepared the next strip, Ibrahim braced himself for the impending pain. Ava swiftly applied the strip and, with a determined pull, removed the hair from Ibrahim's other hand.

The room once again echoed with Ibrahim's exclamation of pain, and Ava couldn't contain her laughter. "I never thought I'd see the day when a tough mafia boss like you would be defeated by a wax strip," she teased.

Ibrahim looked at his hairless hand. The area has transformed into red colour, and his hand was really burning. "You really enjoy torturing me, don't you?"

Ava grinned, "Consider it a lesson, Mr. Rahman. No more unauthorized kisses or you might find yourself waxed in unexpected places."

Ibrahim managed a smirk. "Lesson learned, baby girl. But you didn't have to go to such extremes."

"Oh, I think it was just the right amount of extreme. Besides, you've got to admit, it's a memorable revenge." Ava stood and throw those used strips in the dustbin. 

"Memorable, indeed. I won't forget this anytime soon." He flexed his hand, still feeling the sting. Who had thought this mafia would torture like this? 

Ava retorted, "Now you might think twice before messing with me."


Samir's laptop screen illuminated his face as he worked on his plans. It was midnight, but as a brother of a mafia businessman he had many works to do. His fingers tapped rhythmically on his laptop.

The phone vibrated. It was a call from Azman, Ibrahim's assistant. 

Samir answered with a curt, "Yes?"

"Samir Sir, I tried reaching Ibrahim sir earlier, but his phone was off. I thought maybe he's busy," Azman respectfully informed.

"It's possible. Ibrahim is always occupied. What's the matter?" Samir replied while focusing on his laptop.

Azman told, "Sir, the informant has spilled the details to Elara, just as we anticipated."

Samir leaned back in his chair, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Good. Now, take the next step. Eliminate the informant, but make it seem like he did it to himself. We want it to look like a suicide. Then Elara will stop to interfere in our matters." 

"Understood, Sir. I'll ensure it's clean and untraceable." Azman told. 

Samir leaned back in his chair. He was no longer working on his laptop now, but he was looking at the screen. "And you have only two days to get this done."

With that Samir ended the call. He was satisfied. It was time for Elara to step back, to realize that meddling in their affairs would only lead to consequences.

He attempted to call Ibrahim, but the call went unanswered, the phone on the other end switched off. A similar fate awaited his attempt to reach Faisal. "When both Ibrahim and Faisal's phones are off simultaneously, it's a clear sign that someone is losing his life." 

Samir stood up from the chair and switched off the bedside lamp. He needed sleep now.


Elara's phone rang loudly, breaking the silence of the night. He glanced at the screen, recognizing it as an emergency call from the station. "What now?" he muttered to himself as he answered the call.

"Officer Lim, there's a large fire reported at The Crimson Lounge. We need you on the scene immediately," the dispatcher relayed the urgent information.

Elara's eyes widened, and he snapped into action. "I'm on my way." 

But there was a problem. It was 2 AM and he couldn't leave Ava alone.

And recently there was a robbery in the neighborhood. Even with Ibrahim's guards stationed outside, an undercurrent of doubt lingered in Elara's mind – a police officer's instinct that trusts no one completely. 

Elara thought about Farah. But It was an ungodly hour to disturb her. No it was not an option. Then Elara's thoughts turned to Ibrahim— whom he hated so much. 

Elara rose up from the bed and dialed Ibrahim's number. In the meantime he started getting ready in his navy blue police uniform. Ibrahim received the phone. 

Without listening anything Elara declared, "Reach here in 5 mins. I'm heading to a scene."

With that Elara cut the call, he didn't even listen if Ibrahim was saying something. Elara knew, it was only Ava and Elara's right to cut the call on Ibrahim.

After some moments, Ibrahim reached and knocked on the door. The door swung open, revealing Elara, ready in his police uniform. 

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow at Elara's attire, "What's the emergency?" 

Elara cut to the chase, "Don't wake Ava. She slept late."

Ibrahim smirked, "You're wearing that uniform for protection, and you trust her safety to someone you can't stand?"

Elara shot him a pointed look, "I trust you when it comes to her safety. Say what you will, but you won't hurt your own wife."

Ibrahim feigned a gasp, "Am I hearing right? Elara Lim admitting he needs my help?"

Elara rolled his eyes, "Just give me your car key. My bike is punctured."

Ibrahim chuckled, "What happened to the mighty police officer and his trusty bike?"

Elara grumbled, "True, punched right when I needed it. Now, keys?"

Ibrahim handed over the key with a sly smile, "Take care of it, it's more expensive than your bike."

Elara shot back, "Or I might accidentally lose it."