Chapter 35 : The Crimson Lounge

Elara arrived at The Crimson Lounge to a scene of chaos. Once a symbol of luxury, now stood ablaze. Smoke billowed into the night sky, creating a chaotic scene of destruction.

Firefighters raced against time, their hoses spraying water in a desperate attempt to quell the flames that leaped from window to window. The heat was intense, and the crackling of the flames filled the air. 

Elara approached a group of firefighters, "Detective Lim, KL Police. What's the situation?"

"The fire started in the kitchen. We're doing our best to contain it, but it's proving difficult." One firefighter responded. 

Elara nodded, scanning the area. He could see the building's structure weakening under the assault of the flames. Sirens wailed in the background as emergency vehicles crowded the streets.

Police officers were creating a perimeter, trying to keep the onlookers at a safe distance. Elara also joined the team. 

Police Captain Hameem, a stout man with graying hair, approached Elara. "Inferno on the fourth floor. It's been spreading fast,"Inferno on the fourth floor. It's been spreading fast. There's a risk of further explosions. We need to evacuate the surrounding buildings."

Not only Elara, othe police officers went to evacuate the next buildings. As the Police, a sudden blast shook the building. The shockwave reverberated through the air.

The blast created a momentary fireball that painted the night sky with hues of orange and red. Debris shattered remnants, ascended like fiery confetti.

The incident intensified their already challenging battle against the flames. Radios crackled with anxious calls for reinforcements and updates on the evolving situation.

"We've got structural damage on the fourth floor! I repeat, structural damage! We need additional support, over!"

"Copy that. Sending in the backup team now. Hold your positions, everyone. We're working on diverting more water to your location."

"Focus on the west side! We can't let it spread further into the building. Use the foam on those stubborn flames!"

"Need more hoses on the south side! The wind's making it tough to control the spread."

"Keep the evacuation routes clear! We don't want any casualties. Prioritize the rescue team for anyone trapped inside."

Firefighters' voices muffled by protective masks. It became a tough night for them. The sound of water streams intensified as they aimed to quell the ever-hungry flames.

The night surrendered to the approaching dawn, the scene at The Crimson Lounge shifted. The once roaring flames had been subdued, leaving behind a smoky aftermath. The acrid scent of charred wood and melted materials lingered in the air. 

Police investigators combed through the debris-strewn landscape. Yellow tape marked the perimeter, signifying the area under investigation. 

Police Captain Hameem briefed Elara on the preliminary findings, "It seems the fire originated in the kitchen. Possible gas leak or faulty equipment. The rapid spread caught everyone off guard. We're treating it as an accident for now."

Elara responded, "Accident or not, lives were lost. Any signs of foul play?"

Hameem shook his head, "No signs yet. The firefighters are still working to cool down the hotspots, and our forensic team is on their way. We'll get to the bottom of this."

The remnants of furniture and decorations lay twisted and charred, a testament to the intense heat that had engulfed the lounge. Debris from the upper floors had collapsed, creating a hazardous landscape.

A young officer approached Elara and Captain Hameem, "Sir, we've accounted for over twenty casualties. The final count is still pending. We'll notify families once we confirm identities."

Elara sighed. 


Ava stirred in her sleep, the soft rustle of sheets accompanying her gradual awakening. As her eyes fluttered open, she found Ibrahim seated in the chair near the window. And the morning lights were coming through the curtains.

His posture was relaxed, one leg crossed over the other, leaning back with an air of ease. The chair seemed almost molded to his form. 

She furrowed her brow, momentarily disoriented, her gaze locking onto Ibrahim. "Why are you here?" Ava asked with her sleepy voice.

"Good morning, Baby Girl," Ibrahim greeted, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he resumed his contemplative gaze out the window.

Ava was now more awake and alert, "What are you doing here?"

"Elara went to Crimson Lounge late at night. There was a fire last night. You'd be alone, so he called me." Ibrahim replied. 

Ava's eyes widened in alarm, "Fire? Is Elara okay?"

Ibrahim's smirk appeared, "Your brother is fine, Ava. He is made of iron."

Ava shook her head and sat on the bed. The soft warmth of the blanket draped over her lap. A soft yawn escaped from her mouth. Her long hair fell over her back. While securing her hair with a clip, Ava asked, "Did you sit on that chair the whole night?"

Ibrahim's attention seemed fixed on her hair. "Yes, I watched you sleep the whole night," he replied with a casual tone. His fascination with her hair seemed to grow with time. 

Ava quickly divert her eyes from Ibrahim and looked elsewhere. It wasn't a new experience for her – Ibrahim's intense gaze had become a familiar, albeit uncomfortable, presence.

She glanced at Ibrahim again, only to find his gaze unshakeable. Ava expressed her frustration, "God knows when you'll stop looking at me like this."

Ibrahim's response was short and swift, "Never."

Ava felt a gulp catch in her throat, the weight of his words sinking in.

 However, a more immediate concern crossed her mind – the need to use the bathroom. But she was wearing shorts. She clenched the blanket which was on her lap. Wearing shorts and facing Ibrahim was not an option she considered.

In Rahman Mansion, she always adhered to safe clothing - full trousers, full sleeves. But here in her apartment she wanted to sleep peacefully at night. The newfound freedom in her apartment was marred by Ibrahim's unexpected presence. She hesitated to leave the security of the blanket. She didn't want to give him any opportunity to see her body.

Ava cleared her throat and in a sweet tone, she asked, "Will you do a favor for me?"

Ibrahim arched his brow, a silent invitation for her to continue.

Ava adopted a cute demeanor, "Please make a cup of coffee for me."

Ibrahim was slightly amused, "Coffee? And you're telling me to make coffee?"

Ava nodded with a playful smile.

Ibrahim sighed, "For you, I can do anything."

Ibrahim stood up and turned towards the kitchen, he felt like a storm had just swept through the room behind him. Ibrahim turned only to find Ava missing, and he heard the distinct sound of the bathroom door locking. Another sigh escaped Ibrahim's lips.

In the world of Ibrahim Rahman, where trust was a rare commodity, Ava held the power to playfully deceive him. Shaking his head with a hint of a smile, Ibrahim proceeded towards the kitchen.