Chapter 36 : Death News.

Ava was engrossed in the TV news, which showcased the aftermath of the devastating fire at The Crimson Lounge. Images of the once-luxurious establishment engulfed in flames filled the screen. 

Ibrahim entered the room, carrying two cups of coffee. He handed one to Ava before settling on the single sofa beside her. Both of them turned their attention to the TV. 

"The Crimson Lounge, a popular spot in the city, turned into a site of tragedy last night. The fire, which started in the kitchen, rapidly spread, claiming the lives of more than 38 people, and the count is still rising as rescue efforts continue."

Ava was listening the news with great concentration. The news was showing all the scenes of last night. Images of firefighters battling the flames and rescuing survivors played across the screen. The Crimson Lounge became highlight of every news channel.

Ibrahim, on the other hand, blew air on his coffee to cool it down, his eyes alternating between the TV screen and Ava. There was a villainous smile on his face, an odd satisfaction evident in his eyes. It was as if, in that moment, the bitter taste of the coffee held a unique flavor of triumph for him.

The news continued to display the names of the deceased individuals. Sipping her coffee, Ava suddenly froze as she noticed two familiar names – Adam Syed and Amir Hassan. The cup slipped from her hand, but Ibrahim swiftly caught it before it could hit her legs, sacrificing his own hand to prevent the hot liquid from spilling onto Ava.

Despite the coffee burning his hand, Ibrahim didn't show any signs of pain, "Are you alright?" 

But Ava didn't respond, her mouth agape and her eyes fixed on the TV screen. Ibrahim out the cups on the tea table. Concerned, he placed his hand on Ava's shoulder and gently shook her, "Ava, what happened? Why have you become like a stone?"

In a mumbled voice, Ava uttered, "Ad...Adam, Amir died! They died in the fire?"

Amir were Adam's good friend. And both were famous for bad boy. They were not Ava's friends. In fact, she despised them. Yet, the news of their death hit her hard, causing her to breathe faster.

Ibrahim switched off the TV remote. He attempted to comfort her, "Calm down, baby girl. Everything will be alright. Everyone will die in a way."

However, Ava remained fixated on the screen. She continued, "You know, Ibrahim, Amir and Adam were infamous in their university for all the wrong reasons. They bullied newcomers, behaved poorly with professors and senior students. They had all the qualities of troublesome students. But this kind of death... it's really painful."

The realization of the agony someone might feel while burning sent shivers down her spine. Despite the enmity, the gruesome nature of their death struck a chord within her. No one should receive this kind of painful death, but God knows the best.

Ibrahim patted on Ava's shoulder. As if he is displaying a rare gesture of sympathy. The act was almost convincing, portraying an image of a caring husband offering support.

However, the underlying truth remained - Ibrahim was not one to feel genuine sympathy especially in this case. His act was a mere facade. He cared for Ava so much, but in here he was not showing his true intentions. 

And Ava, lost in her own thoughts, momentarily forgot that her husband's hand rested on her shoulder. If she had noticed, her reaction might have been quite different.


The police station was a hive of activity, with officers moving purposefully between desks, shuffling through documents, and discussing the ongoing investigation into the Crimson Lounge fire. Elara sat at his desk, surrounded by a sea of papers and case files.

Captain Hameem approached Elara. He leaned over Elara's cluttered desk, studying the reports spread before them.

"Elara, how's the investigation going?" Hameem inquired.

Elara, his brow furrowed, looked up from the files. "It's challenging, Captain. Everything points to it being an accident.

Nodding thoughtfully, Captain Hameem responded, "Kitchen fires are quite common. Any signs of foul play?"

Elara shook his head, frustration evident in his expression. "None so far. We've interviewed survivors, but their statements align with a typical fire accident."

Captain Hameem leaned in, offering a piece of advice. "We can't afford any missteps, especially with a high-profile incident like this. Keep digging, Elara."

Elara replied, "I'll do my best, Captain. But something doesn't add up. We need to consider all possibilities."

Captain Hameem cautioned him, "Accidents happen. Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgment. Focus on the evidence."

Despite the captain's advice, Elara couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the incident than met the eye. As he delved deeper into the investigation, his colleagues were engrossed in various tasks, meticulously examining every piece of evidence.

Some officers scrutinized witness statements, confirming that there was no unusual activity before the fire. Others focused on the physical aspects, analyzing the point of origin and collaborating with firefighters to understand the blaze's dynamics.

Officer 1: (reviewing the report) It's consistent with an accidental fire. No signs of accelerants.

Officer 2: Witnesses confirm there was no unusual activity before the fire broke out.

Elara overheard their conversation but remained unconvinced. He continued to examine the data, hoping to find a clue that would unravel the mystery.

Elara: (thinking aloud) There has to be a connection we're missing.

Officer 3: (skeptical) Elara, accidents happen. Not every disaster is a conspiracy.

Elara: (determined) I know, but this feels different. I can't ignore the gut feeling that there's more to this story.


In her cozy room, Farah scrolled through the group chats. The messages were flooding in, all discussing the tragic incident at the Crimson Lounge. She picked up a banana from the bunch on her table and started reading.

Chat Member 1: OMG, Amir and Adam are gone! 😢

Chat Member 2: No way! How did it happen?

Chat Member 3: It was in the news. Fire at Crimson Lounge.

Farah took a bite of her banana, savoring the sweetness as she continued scrolling.

Chat Member 4: (voice note) Bro, I can't believe they're gone. We had some crazy times together.

Chat Member 5: (text) Amir owed me 500 Ringgit. Now what? Who is gonna pay me?

Farah chuckled at the financial concern amidst the tragedy. She shook her head and peeled another banana. 

Chat Member 6: (text) Honestly, not gonna miss those troublemakers.

Chat Member 7: (text) RIP Adam and Amir. Gone too soon.

Farah murmured, "Gone at the right time, if you ask me."

Chat Message 8 : Amir and Adam were jerks. I'm glad they're out of our lives.

Chat Member 9 : (voice note) Man, they were legends. Legends who met a legendary end.

Farah rolled her eyes, "Legends my foot." She looked at celling and told, "God! Give them a great place in hell."

Her phone buzzed, and a smile lit up her face when she saw Elara's name flashing on the screen. Answering the call, she greeted him, "Hello Mister."