Chapter 41 : At The Party - Part 1

The music pulsed through the air as Ava excused herself from Mia, citing a visit to the washroom. Going through the lively crowd, she made her way through the elegant venue. 

But while going, she accidentally bumped into a tall figure. And the stranger, holding a wine glass seemed momentarily startled as the equilibrium of the glass wavered dangerously. His wine glass tilted and the wine fell on the man's pristine white coat. Ava's heart skipped a beat as she watched the impending disaster unfold.

The man, revealed to be Rafi Ahmed, looked down at the wine-stained coat. Ava rushed to apologize. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to—"

 However, Rafi managed a reassuring smile. "No harm done. It's just a coat. Accidents happen."

Ava was relieved by his response. She didn't know the person was. And the main thing was that he didn't make a scene. "Thank you for being so understanding. I'll find a way to make it up to you."

 "Don't worry about it. Let's consider it a memorable encounter." Rafi assured her. Rafi looked at Ava again, "You're Ibrahim's wife, aren't you?" 

Ava was a bit surprised by the direct question, nodded hesitantly. "Yes, I am. How did you know?"

Rafi extended his hand for a handshake. "I've heard about Ibrahim's recent wedding. I'm Rafi Ahmed, a great 'friend' of the Rahmans."

But before Ava could respond to Rafi's hand, Ibrahim came out of the crowd, taking Rafi's hand into a firm shake, followed by an unexpected hug, "Rafi, my man! It's been a while,"

"You know how it is, Ibrahim. Always busy with business," Rafi replied while patting on Ibrahim's back.

Once they broke apart, Ibrahim stated, "Good to see you here, Rafi. Enjoying the party?"

Matching Ibrahim's tone, Rafi replied, "Always, Your gatherings have a unique charm."

Now Ava was feeling like a outsider, "I'll leave you gentlemen to your conversation." With that she went towards her destination.

Ibrahim watched Ava as she stepped away and went. Ibrahim's gaze hardened and his early friendly manner has gone. He turned his head slowly towards Rafi. Ibrahim's stern expression were visible to Rafi under the lights.

"You seem to be getting a bit too close to my wife, Rafi," Ibrahim's voice carried a subtle warning.

But Rafi maintained his casual façade infront of Ibrahim, "Ibrahim, my friend, we were just talking. No harm in that."

Ibrahim's eyes narrowed, "One more time, Rafi, and you won't just lose a conversation partner. Lay eyes on Ava again, and I won't just take off your eyes; I'll make sure you never see daylight again."

Rafi managed a smug smile, "Why you're always so possessive? Can't I even handle a bit of admiration?"

Ibrahim's jaw clenched, his tone now an ominous whisper, "Watch your tone Rafi, I won't hesitate to bury you alive if you cross that line. Ava is my wife, not some object for your amusement."

Rafi chuckled, "Ah, Ibrahim, But can you blame me? You found yourself a gem – young, beautiful, and so... milky." 

Rafi indicated Ava, baiting Ibrahim further. This teasing remark struck a nerve, and Ibrahim's controlled demeanor cracked. His jaw tensed as anger flared in his eyes. Ibrahim took a deep breath. 

He took a step closer, closing the distance between them. "You are crossing line now, Rafi... Remember I'm not a person who just give threats. I'll make sure you regret the day you even thought about Ava. I will suggest to choose your words very carefully. You're not untouchable, no matter who you are. This is your my warning."

With that Ibrahim stormed inside the hotel looking for Ava. His jaw was clenched and his fists were tightly balled. His usually calm nature were now ablaze with an intense anger that seemed to emanate from every pore.

Outside, the party continued, blissfully unaware of the tempest that brewed within Ibrahim. The laughter, the music, and the clinking of glasses painted a stark difference to the turmoil in Ibrahim's mind.

He spotted Samir near the stairs. Samir was walking right to left and left to right with his phone in hand.

Ibrahim approached with a furrowed brow. "What are you doing here? You should be outside at the party" he demanded. 

Samir looked at his elder brother, "Waiting for Azman's call." Samir approached Ibrahim and whispered, "Tonight, Azman will finish Aqil."

When Ibrahim heard that, he felt Samir has dropped bomb on him. His world momentarily shattered. "What?" Ibrahim questioned, "Who authorized this?"

Samir confessed, "I did."

Ibrahim's fury erupted, "Did you even think to consult me before giving such an order?"

Samir stammered an explanation, "I thought you were busy, so..."

Ibrahim's sharp interruption cut through Samir's explanation, "Call Azman now and tell him to abort the operation. If Aqil suffers even a scratch, I'll make sure Azman loses more than an arm. And Remember you will pay for that Samir."

Samir hastily pulled out his phone, fingers furiously tapping to connect with Azman. Samir hastily pulled out his phone, fingers furiously tapping to connect with Azman. 

Ibrahim, seizing the phone from Samir, demanded, "Where are you, Azman?" 

Azman responded, "Heading to Aqil's house, sir."

Ibrahim's firm tone cut through, "Turn back. I don't want Aqil dead. If anything happens to him, You will pay dearly." 

"Okay, sir."

Handing the phone back to Samir, Ibrahim's gaze hardened. "For your impulsive decision..."

However, their conversation halted abruptly when the tapping of heels echoed through the lobby. Both brothers look at the stairs, Ava was descending the stairs. 

Ibrahim quickly changed his demeanor shifted from anger to a more composed and calm exterior. He couldn't show his anger nature to Ava. 

Ava came down and beside Ibrahim. She noticed something tensed nature between both brothers. And she also noticed the sweat beads formed on Samir's forehead, "What happened, Samir? Why do you look so tense?"

Ibrahim interjected, "Nothing, just a discussion."

Samir attempted to shift the focus, "You look stunning, sister-in-law. You both carry on, I'll join the party."

With a nod, Samir made a quick exit. Ava's furrowed her brows, as she watched Samir's departure. She usually saw Samir in cheerful mood. She shook her head and internally thought there are some problems with him.

She looked at Ibrahim, "When are we leaving? I'm feeling so boring at this party,"

Ibrahim asked, "Boring?"

Ava affirmed her feelings, "Yes, Tired of meeting these elites and listening to your 'good deeds' from them."

"So, are they talking about me?" Ibrahim asked. 

Ava rolled her eyes and recounted the praises she had been hearing. "Everyone is a fan of you. You're so intelligent, so handsome, the best husband... Ufff so disgusting. I'm tired of it all." 

Ibrahim couldn't help but smirk, "Am I not charming and handsome?"

"Huh, not even 1%." Ava responded.

Ibrahim chuckled at Ava's response, "Well, I guess I have some work to do then." 

Ava asked, "Work? To be handsome?" She shook her head. 

Ibrahim held Ava's hand with a gentle grip and suggested, "Let's go. I have to show you something."

Ava observed his touch but questioned, "What?"

Ignoring her question, Ibrahim led her up the stairs. Ava, slightly resistant, asked, "Where are we going?"

Ibrahim responded, "To see something interesting."